hey folks,

wonder if anyone has some advice for me :)

see http://drupal.org/node/398038 but moving it here.

I'm trying to theme my forums and put the links in different places. so am not using print $links

but instead have code to pull out all the pieces (see above link)

unfortunately I seem to be able to only get the links to appear on the node part and not the comments.

any thoughts?

<ul class="links forum-links">

<li class="first "> <a href="/<?php print $node->links['comment_mover_node_prune']['href'] ?>?<?php print $node->links['comment_mover_node_prune']['query'] ?>" title="<?php print $node->links['comment_mover_node_prune']['attributes']['title'] ?>">  <?php print $node->links['comment_mover_node_prune']['title'] ?></a></li>

<li> <a class="<?php print $node->links['fasttoggle_status']['attributes']['class'] ?>" href="/<?php print $node->links['fasttoggle_status']['href'] ?>?<?php print $node->links['fasttoggle_status']['query'] ?>" title="<?php print $node->links['fasttoggle_status']['attributes']['title'] ?>"> <?php print $node->links['fasttoggle_status']['title'] ?> </a></li>

    <?php if ($top_post): ?>
       <?php if (user_access('administer comments')): ?>
                 <?php print '<li class="comment_edit"><a href="'.base_path().'node/'.$node->nid.'/edit/">Edit</a></li> <li class="comment_delete"><a href="'.base_path().'node/'.$node->nid.'/delete/">Delete</a></li>'; ?>
       <?php endif; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if (!$top_post): ?>
       <?php if (user_access('administer comments')): ?>
          <?php print '<li class="comment_edit"><a href="'.base_path().'comment/edit/'.$comment->cid.'">Edit</a></li><li class="comment_delete"><a href="'.base_path().'comment/delete/'.$comment->cid.'">Delete</a></li>'; ?>
       <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

<li class="abuse_flag_node"><a href="/<?php print $node->links['abuse_flag_node']['href'] ?>" class="<?php print $node->links['abuse_flag_node']['attributes']['class'] ?>" title="<?php print $node->links['abuse_flag_node']['attributes']['title'] ?>">  <?php print $node->links['abuse_flag_node']['title'] ?></a>

<li class="last quote"> <a href="/<?php print $node->links['quote']['href'] ?>?<?php print $node->links['quote']['query'] ?>#<?php print $node->links['quote']['fragment'] ?>" title="<?php print $node->links['quote']['attributes']['title'] ?>">  <?php print $node->links['quote']['title'] ?></a>



doodz’s picture


have you found a solution ? I actually have the same problem, did you find how we can get an array for $links ?