I like this module. A link to original article should be a interesting feature, like blog-it does when publishing a feed item to a user blog in Drupal.


mchelen’s picture

Subscribing. Current workaround is to put it the feed through a processor such as Feedburner or Yahoo Pipes that adds a link in the body of the post, prior to import with Aggregator.

escoles’s picture

Yes, subscribing. Having to pipe through an external source makes the process at least as complex as using a node-based solution, and the information is there to be had in most feeds. It would be a tremendous improvement if the link could even just be appended to to the end of the Description field.

escoles’s picture

My suggestion looks like it's pretty easy to implement; I will try to post code, if not a proper patch, within a few days. Not sure my workaround is appropriate for the module as it's simplistic and my API knowledge is limited, but perhaps someone can pick it up and make it nice.

escoles’s picture

Modifying aggregator_promote.module at line 97 to replace this:

  $node->body = $form_state['values']['item']->description .'<!--break-->';

... with this:

  $node->body = $form_state['values']['item']->description;
  $node->body .= ' <div class="article-link"><a href="'.$form_state['values']['item']->link .'" class="external" target="_blank">Go to article&hellip;</a></div><!--break-->';

... seems to work to add a link to the Description. However, this is inadequate for several reasons and I'm not even going to try to roll a patch.

Reasons I don't view it as satisfactory:

  • Link is added to description regardless of description link.
  • Still don't have a way to link the title of the item with the external feed of the item, short of continuing to hack the module.
  • There are probably more standard ways to do this.

Will probably be working on this more, but don't think I'll get to a place where I'd want to roll a patch -- probably what I will do is hard-code a dependency on a specific CCK field for the link. That doesn't strike me as a distributable solution.

boftx’s picture

Subscribing with an ovservation.

A link to the original item is almost mandatory to avoid copyright problems, and it should be implemented as a seperate field (cck comes to mind.) Other modules that import feed items as links have this feature, so it should be relatively simple to borrow some code ideas from them.