I upgraded from 6.9 to 6.10, and now NOT ONE of my links work.
I can open the main page (site still off line), but clicking (either in a menu, or on an article link) results in a message like this:

The requested URL /admin was not found on this server.

What still works is opening a page this way: http://antennae.nl/marksremarks/?q=/admin. But opening the page with http://antennae.nl/marksremarks/admin does not.
Reverting to the backed up installation has not removed this problem. Can any one help me please?

Thanks! Mark


ludo1960’s picture

I had the same problem, but running update.php sorted it

nonstoplife’s picture

Running update.php solved the problem for me as well.

Grant Curell’s picture

Ditto. Thanks for the tip.

psorto’s picture

Can you clarify what you mean when you say "running update.php" please?

Thank you.

cog.rusty’s picture

Make sure that you have Drupal's .htaccess file, which is necessary for clean URLs to work.

Remember if you used to have a RewriteBase /marksremarks line in .htaccess or some other modification required for your server.

Until you fix the problem, you can go to admin/settings/clean-urls and disable clean URLs to make Drupal use ?q=.

ludo1960’s picture

Yes, forgot about the .htaccess file. As usual you're right cog.rusty

mmmark’s picture

That was it...


dkl4’s picture

I had to make the following change in my Apache host config file :

< AllowOverride all <= New - works
> AllowOverride None <= Old - no worky

My out-of-box .htaccess file didn't need changing.

rhawkins’s picture

Same here, thanks for this reminder.

ressa’s picture

I could only access the front page, and only if I deleted the .htaccess file. It turned out that I had added a line of code to .htaccess, which was working fine locally, but not on the server:

# Prevent time outs when generating URL aliases
  php_value max_execution_time 120

Once it was commented out with a # everything was fine again.

Pascal.s’s picture

Made an update from 7.22 to 7.37 and had this problem to.
Thanks for pointing out the htaccess file.
On MACs you don't see htaccess files unless you specify it or have an app to show them. So drag and drop from Desktop into Filezilla won't copy the htaccess file.
But you will see it in the Filezilla window (on local side).
In case it can help someone else!