Running drupal within another frame on my webpage, and i get a problem with authentication.

If i enter the username & pw that page is just reloaded and it seems like nothing have happened.
If i enter a non existing username and pw just to test if it checks the userid at all, it give me an error msg who says that ive might have spelled the username or pw wrong.
If i enter the page where i got drupal so it's not within any frames, everything works ok. I can enter my userid and pw, and add some blogs or do whatever i want.

Anyone who can tell me if this is how its supposed to be, or if there is a fix for running drupal withing other frames ?

thanks a lot,
regards bt.


Chris Green’s picture

I have just wrestled through a similar I thought I'd share the fruits of my labor. I too was trying to view a drupal site in a frame and when I entered my user name and password it did not log in - just reloaded the page with the login fields as though nothing had happened.

In my case I was viewing the drupal site in a frame on a website hosted on another machine (different domain). Browsers like Internet Explorer 6.0 treat content in frames from another domain as 'third party content' and can block the cookies you need to log into you drupal site when the browser privacy is set at the default level. This is because the drupal site may not have a privacy policy set (refer to for more info and a roadmap)

You have a couple of options:

  1. Turn down your browser privacy settings to accept 3rd party cookies from sites without a privacy policy. You would have to convince all your users to do the same - could be a hard sell or confuse the less technically literate.
  2. Set up a privacy policy for your site. This is quite easy - IBM have a free Java based utility that will write your privacy policy in human readable form, XML and the compact version required in your HTTP headers by IE6. It is available at

Your mileage may vary....I'm an amateur hacker and it only took an hour or two of fumbling to get a privacy policy working. My site now works in frames - so it's time to go live with it!


Mark Vincent Verallo’s picture

I have the same situation with yours. I hosted the website from a different domain. I set the base url to the domain name but the CSS is not working.