I thought it would be helpful to do a survey of web hosting in Canada to see which ones would best suit the many social mission organization I know who want to use Drupal.

Below is a list of features I hope to compare for each hosting company. Can you suggest any other useful points of comparison?

Standard comparison price: $50 CAD month.
Client is a not-for-profit organization with a social mission.

* Account type (Shared, Virtual server, Dedicated)
* Disk space
* Dedicated IPs
* Processor
* Connection speed
* Transfer per month
* Uptime
* # of POP e-mail accounts
* webmail application
* Domains
* SSL Domains
* # of MySQL DB
* Linux version
* PHP version
* MySQL version
* Control Panel
* Fantastico?
* Optimization features
* Security features
* Shell access
* Subversion
* .htaccess
* cron jobs
* Support response time via email
* Support response time via phone
* Relationship to Drupal.org
* Drupal experience
* Ethical practices
* Ecological practices
* Business structure (e.g. commercial, not-for-profit, co-op, unionized)
* Number of staff
* Numbers of years in business
* Number of sites hosted
* Location
* Provide sample sites


I'll publish the results.

Thanks - rock on.

- jd -


fax8’s picture

max size of database

max query per hours for each db


sami_k’s picture

I have actually seen this be a pretty big issue for 2 of my clients. If this isn't large enough, people will be denied from viewing the site.
Please read the handbook, search the forums, then ask...
http://drupal.etopian.net (Drupal Support)

Heine’s picture

Satisfaction of existing customers; perhaps you can find reviews somewhere.

As for the number of sites hosted I would split into:
- number of sites/server
- number of sites toto

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