Would MacJournal work with Drupal 4.6?

It works with LiveJournal, Blogger, Movable Type, WordPress, ATOM and .Mac. Would any of these format work with the BlogAPI.module?


Boris Mann’s picture

THe BlogAPI supports Blogger, MT, and MetaWeblog API. Probably best to set it to MovableType (admin/settings/blogapi), since it has the most complete feature set.

mlncn’s picture

I will put the steps for doing this - it's from the client side that I have difficulty - here when/if I get to setting it up for myself...

I'm actually using Journler ( http://journler.phildow.net/ ) which is awesome by the way-- it supports MetaWeblog API but I haven't been able to get it to work.

It seems a more detailed set of instructions for what information to give desktop blogging aps would be very useful-- and in my particular case, some extra help... the http://username@example.com formulation may not be working because of the space and cedilla in my user name...


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