nodeformcols 7.x-1.0

Bug fixes

Node form columns 7.x-1.0, 2014-01-15
Issue #801804 by yhahn, voxpelli: Port to drupal 7
by voxpelli: No longer positions form fields that the access is denied to
Issue #664840 by swentel, voxpelli: Fixed PHP notices
Issue #1024830 by barraponto: hidden fields weren't actually hiding
Issue #1159746 by kevee: set form_state['input'] to prevent errors with some widgets
Issue #1287452 by barraponto: Text fields and text areas on the right sidebar should be resized.

nodeformcols 6.x-1.7

Bug fixes
New features

Node form columns 6.x-1.7, 2014-01-15
by voxpelli: No longer positions form fields that the access is denied to
#664840 by swentel, voxpelli: Fixed PHP notices
by voxpelli: Added Features.module integration

nodeformcols 6.x-1.6

New features

Nodeformcols now integrates with Panels (6.x-3.0) thanks to wulff
Code review from voxpelli

nodeformcols 6.x-1.5

Bug fixes

#532802 Fix for issue by voxpelli
#532800 Fixed the reference to blocks in the admin as suggested by jonathan_hunt

nodeformcols 6.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

#512742 Applied patch from TwoD to fix the handling of default values in hidden fields. Plus some follow-up changes in the nfcbiblio module.

Make the initial form more consisten to pre-nodeformcols: fix the form weights when there are no nodeformcols settings saved for the node type, change the default region to main instead of footer, added a default high weight for the buttons field and modified the adjustment of new form fields to the buttons.

nodeformcols 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

#451988 Some CCK and module fields display below buttons by default. Fixed this undesirable behaviour. The current solution should be generalized to a per content type configuration that tells nodeformcols where to place new fields, in the style of above below field X.

Added support for hiding fields.

nodeformcols 6.x-1.2

New features

commit 439b20cccade5e8fd1a8582bf34441cdadeb671e
Author: Hugo Wetterberg
Date: Sat Apr 25 11:49:43 2009 +0200

#443876 Form Capatcha problem.

Leveraging the hooks created for the biblio compat module to support captcha.

nodeformcols 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

commit 88ab08d1e8b114cfb89d661153e050838e311866
Author: Hugo Wetterberg
Date: Fri Apr 24 23:12:39 2009 +0200

Clearing variable cache in the update hook

commit e69d7327d8a73f4d95239169796f9ac3b8fddee2
Author: Hugo Wetterberg
Date: Fri Apr 24 23:12:23 2009 +0200

Had to write a slightly more complicated hook_node_type to deal with the more complex variable names. This is a sure sign that I'm getting close to the limit of what I should be storing in variables. Maybe we should have a table for storing nodeformcol configurations?

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