In my site my requirements are
water marking capability
and my site should be able extract revision information from word Documents.

Can i get these from existing modules if yes what modules are suitable,otherwise what to do get these features.
I dont know where to put such type of problem ,forgive me if i'm posting it in wrong entry.
I hope i'll get the way!


Heine’s picture

Look at & use Search.


This is not a support thread. image actions is a proof of concept, not meant for production use, and you need actions module and workflow module installed. There you configure it.

You can always put something together with the imagemagick functions

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sashidar’s picture

Now I got how to watermark images on drupal.Can we Extract revision information from word documents using any drupal module.

Heine’s picture

I don't know if there's a module able to do that. If you want to program one yourself, might be helpful.
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