mulpo 2.0.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

Add default block configuration
Add Century Gothic font
Footer, header and sidebar improvements
Update screenshot
Style footer add initial responsive support for menu and fix date on node template

mulpo 7.x-1.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

#1143462 - Huge list of errors, thanks for the patch jsalinas

mulpo 6.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

#587576 by GiorgosK: content in headers block
#597458: Changed header from overflow:auto to overflow:hidden to avoid scrollbars
#386744 - Fixing if statement for footer - thanks GiorgosK! #380088 adding logo and search features to info file
#380088 adding logo and search features to info file
#386744 - Fixing if statement for footer - thanks GiorgosK!

mulpo 6.x-1.0-beta1

This beta version has some CSS bug fixes and some general layout fixes.

Issue queue bugs:

#386744 - Footer message not showing

mulpo 6.x-1.x-dev

Initial commit of Drupal 6 dev version, branching was a little messy, so not 100& sure theme is fuly functional.

mulpo 5.x-1.x-dev

Please don't use this theme in a production site, just download it to test it out, it has only been tested in Firefox and Safari.

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