Our web server is running PHP in CGI mode, but you cannot use the .php extension in the files. So far, I have hand-written scripts that I need for our office site, however I'm in need of a more robust portal. I currently use Drupal in my personal pages and have a year or so experience with it. (http://www.thomhanford.org) I'd LOVE to use it for my office, by cannot due to this limitation. We have MySQL, and we are operating with PHP 5.

From our web GURU: "Perl scripts must have a .cgi or a .pl extension. PHP scripts must have a .cgi extension. Because you will be running PHP scripts in cgi mode, you cannot use a .php extension for PHP files."

Is there a way to run Drupal as .cgi - a way to "parse" the files to rename the .php to .cgi extensions. I suppose I could rename everything, but that would KILL me.

Perhaps this is normal, as I'm still really PHP newbie - hopefully the community has some ideas.

Thanks in advance,