Multiple file upload requires mass transferal (ftp, scp, etc.) of directories and files to a directory on the server accessible by the WebFM module. Users with 'administer webfm' rights can then insert the new files into the database via the module. The following steps are typical:

  • Transfer the files to a WebFM directory of your webserver. The default WebFM path is /your-site/sites/default/files/webfm/. Note that this only puts the physical files on your webserver. One must still add the files to the database for user access and attachment/metadata operations. Files without a database entry are only accessible by module administrators.
  • Login to your Drupal site either as #1 user or as a user within a role with 'administer webfm' rights and navigate to the Web File Manager page. A folder directory tree window is on the left, a file browser window is on the right.
  • Click to the folder where you uploaded your content. A "Working... please wait" message will appear.
  • In the upper right hand corner of the file browser window click on the "Recursive add files to the database" icon to add all files in this folder and all subfolders to the database. The "Working... please wait" message will appear again. This could take some time, so be patient. The non-recursive add icon will not insert files in subdirectories.
  • The result feedback will list:
    1. The number of successful inserts. If the number doesn't jive with the number of files you expected to insert then there was a problem.
    2. Error messages for files already in the database (ignore these messages)

To visually confirm whether files are in the database:

  • Check the transparency of the file icons. Files not in the database appear more transparent.
  • Check whether the files have an 'Owner'. Files not in the db have no owner.