To configure the options, go to the admin page : admin/settings/secondlife

All versions available options :

Enable timing of requests ?:
Select whether you want to record timing information for how much it takes to process requests from the clients. A "timer=" is send with the response to the client, and if also writting to the debugging output (if enabled).

Debugging enabled ? :
Enable debugging output of server/client interactions. Enter the full path name of the file to write the debugging output to, such as /tmp/secondlife.debug. It must be writable to the user who runs your web server. Leave blank for no debugging

Drupal 6 version options :

Allowed Ips:
This is a list of Ip's separated by a comma.
The framework will only allow scripts calls coming from these Ips.
The default list is the Linden Labs server's Ips.
You can change them if you are using another grid like an OpenSim one.

Separators :

Arguments separator:
Use this field to change the default value of arguments separators.
The lsl script can send arguments to the website using ":" to separate them.
some people prefear to use other separators like ";" or "|"...
For example :

Fields Names :
These fields are used by the framework to get the different fields sent from the lsl scripts.
You can change them if you need another name ( like some people prefear to use "task" instead of "cmd"

app :
is the field that defines the module field name to use.
If a module named "mymodule" is called from an lsl script, the script will need to send : app=mymodule

cmd :
is the fiels that defines the command field name to use
the lsl script will need to send : cmd=new_node

arg :
is the field that defines the arguments field name to use.
the lsl script will need to send : arg=argument=xyz