A link to a central page with users uploaded taxonomies would be good. For example I have an ICD10 medical classification taxonomy that someone might find useful. Save a lot of work all round. Just put a note that uploaded files shouldn't conflict with copyright.


dman’s picture

I am one day working towards a 'taxonomy server' repository that will redistribute (legal) known taxa, and maybe provide links to other known good (non-redistributable) compatible ones.

Did you know that some company claims the exclusive copyright to the Dewey index ??!
( FTR, I didn't use their proprietary lists in my sample distributed here - I got a free version from an actual community library )

Redistribution is now possible via web services - so your Drupal import UI can just point at a web service URI. However, there are very few SOURCES available.
If I get sponsorship or time I'll be trying to solve that.
As mentioned somewhere in the docs, places like http://www.schemaweb.info/ SHOULD be the place to find these. But seem dead.

dman’s picture

Open for suggestions