I'd spent all night on this, I have to shout for help!

Under administer -> settings -> article: I have set Overview Title to "Resources", but why does it still show "Article listing" on this page: http://bishan.toastmasters-club.com/article

I don't want it to show Article listings, I want to show Resources. Help!!!!


sangamreddi’s picture


Can be done in 2 ways either edit the module or use the locale string.
Read this for second option http://drupal.org/newsletter/2005/september

Drupal Tips - Change any string

and http://drupal.org/node/24593


ryooki’s picture

I think you can change the article.module to do that (someone will probably come on and tell me this is back hacking).

function article_menu($may_cache) {
  $items = array();

  $items[] = array('path' => 'article', 'title' => t('Article listings'), 'callback' => 'article_page', 'access' => user_access("access content"), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);

  return $items;

Just change the t('Article listings') to what you want. It could be this is not the correct "article listings." What I normally do is create a copy / backup of the original module, and then hack around until I get what I want. Hope this helps!


PS - I'm sure there is some way to do it through phpTemplate, but I wouldn't know how.

tangent’s picture

I recommend using sangamreddi's suggestion of using the locale module to change the text. If you modify the code as ryooki suggests you'll have a problem when you upgrade Drupal.

This article explains how.


deanloh’s picture

Thanks guys for the helpful hints! I did it through the locale method and only I realized how much goodness of Drupal I'd missed all these while.

Now on, Drupal is going to be my favorite choice of CMS!

ryooki’s picture

I didn't know about this either! That would have made my life so easy...

Is there a page dedicated to tips & tricks just like those in the newsletter?

sangamreddi’s picture


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