Like me, you might have bumped into the need for moving a lot of existing documents from a taxonomy structure into an OG structure.

Copy the following php code into a regular node (as admin) and it should allow you to choose which taxonomy term you want 'transferred' and which OG to 'transfer' it to.

The Taxonomy structure is not altered.

I'm NOT a skilled php or drupal developer - so look out! And all you Gurus out there: feel free to add and improve, but dont mock my spaghetti...


Valeratal’s picture

wheare are "code" ?

s_oneill’s picture

dunno ... it was in here earlier ... I think ... I'll copy/paste asap - tomorrow ...

justin.hopkins’s picture

I'd be interested in seeing this code :)

mylesorme’s picture

It would help me to migrate from TAC to OG (if I decide that is the right thing to do!)

Valeratal’s picture

Knock Knock

Where white rabbit?

Dublin Drupaller’s picture

code example would be useful

Currently in Switzerland working as an Application Developer with UBS Investment Bank...using Drupal 7 and lots of swiss chocolate

davemaxg’s picture

Just set up a view that contains taxonomy terms and group names. Having separate columns for each vocabulary helps...