When a user visits a chat node, I would think that it would default to the chat window "scrolled down" in the sense that the user would be able to see the latest posts (which would be at the bottom of the window). Rather, they see the oldest, at the top, and have to scroll down to see what people are saying right now. Is this the way it was designed, or is that a bug? If it's the way it was designed, how could I change the window default to "scrolled down"?

Note that this only applies to nodes that already have more than enough messages to fill the window.

Great module either way, thanks for any help you can provide.


fumbling’s picture

Following up on this one. Any hope of a response? As the messages pile up, I would think showing the oldest first would become increasingly odd, would really hope to just have it default to scrolled down which is (I believe) how most chat room windows work. Again, great module, thanks for any help on this front.