Hi there,

I'm brand new with Drupal, and having some problems getting it to run properly. If I set $base_url in includes/conf.php to "http://localhost/drupal", all the links in the site set themselves up as, for example "http://localhost/drupal/
" and of course this does no good to anyone who isn't running it off my local box.

Changing the $base_url to the FQDN doesn't seem to work either. I have broken my install twice now by setting $base_url to the FQDN and then enabling "Clean URLs" in the admin section - at this point, the links sort of work more correctly (i.e., they use the FQDN instead of localhost as the beginning of the links) but I get a 404 error when I try to use any links from the front page.

I am quite aware that I am doing something really stupid, but I thought I'd trouble some people here for help anyway. Working with Drupal from "localhost" was actually quite entertaining, it would be nice to allow other people to see the glory that this site will become :)

Thanks for any help you can offer,



Anonymous’s picture

Try using 'http://{your-ip}/drupal'..

BTW: What is FQPN???

Anonymous’s picture

Hi there, I fixed it by changing the .htaccess file in the Drupal directory. I have a feeling that things were screwed up because my Drupal install wasn't on the server root, i.e., it was at http://mydomain.org/drupal rather than http://mydomain.org.

Originally, the ReWriteRule in my .htaccess file looked like this:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

I changed it to:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /drupal/index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name, i.e. not "localhost" or my ip. I tried all 3, none of them worked until I made the switch to my .htaccess file as suggested in another part of these great forums.

Thanks very much for your help!