Can not translate "Add new comment" on the page!

I open Translate Interface / Translate the String / Save changes.
Yet the string remains untranslatable on the page.

Any help....

Thanks in advance


mgifford’s picture

I just tested this and it worked fine for me. I just searched for it here:

The translation (probably provided by is:
Ajouter un commentaire

Other details included at the page above:
Built-in interface Add new comment modules/comment/comment.module:440;461 fr

Do you have the appropriate modules enabled? This working for you yet?

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cohadar’s picture

I have the same problem

“Add new comment” link
“Comments” link
“New comments” link

and similar texts are not translating.

These strings are in waffles template.

I think translation is not working properly because these strings are used for creation of hyperlinks.
So those links are probably created before translation function is called.

Or maybe it is something simpler like translation mechanism not supporting funny quotes
“ ” - no these are not normal double quotes " "

Yoha’s picture

My database says this:
INSERT INTO `variable` VALUES('theme_waffles_settings', 'a:144:{s:24:"user_notverified_display" (...) ;i:0;s:16:"readmore_default";s:9:"Lees meer";s:22:"readmore_title_default";

Where it says Lees meer is where used to be Read more. Changing this in the database had the desired effect. I haven't done this on the real site yet because I do not like to tinker in the database.

If someone could find out based on this information where the read more is coming from that could be helpful. I used windows grep to change all the instances of Read more into Lees meer in all the drupal files but this didn't have any effect at all. My conclusion from this is that the db entries are not rewritten. (I flushed all cache and changed themes back and forth)

mgifford’s picture

It could be that the theme you are using doesn't have all of it's strings properly wrapped in the t() function.

Yoha’s picture

Waffles provides a great functionality for this. At the same time this is the reason why the database entries stayed english while I changed all the template and settings instances.

site building-> themes-> (waffles)configure-> links.

As always there is a really simple solution but you have to know where it is.

Ali.Ahk’s picture

open comment.module file on line 441 & 462 and check what string you have really, maybe you changed that.
It should be like: 'title' => t('Add new comment')