wishlist 8.x-3.x-dev

This branch starts from a new code base. This allows Drupal 8 core functionality to be used wherever possible, instead of all the custom code that was necessary in previous versions.

The branch is not close to being ready. However, it will install without error and create a Wishlist content type, a WishlistPurchased config entity and a settings form.

wishlist 7.x-2.5

Bug fixes

D7 compatible release that is mostly the same as the D6 2.4 release. Minor new features introduced include the ability to apply tokens to change the user's name as shown on the wishlist (so that profile fields can be used, as an example) and the wishlist node type can be managed as other CCK types.

wishlist 7.x-2.x-dev

Bug fixes

First pass completion of D7 port. Light testing has only been applied - please submit issues and patches if problems are found.

The emphasis of testing has been with new installations, not upgrade installations. The data structure between the 6.x-2.4 version of the module and this version was not changed and I expect migration to work well because of that.

Upgrade to 6.x-2.4 and then upgrade to 7.x-2.x-dev. Perform the upgrade on a test site. Verify your data. Validate the wishlists display correctly.

wishlist 6.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Fixes most open issues from the issue queue and is expected to be the final Drupal 6.x compatible wishlist module.

* CSS not setting as many colors, allowing for better use in dark themes
* Views2 support from cvdenzen incorporated.
* German translation added
* Dutch translation added
* Node body filter now appears

wishlist 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Formal release of the 6.x compatible wishlist module with a few minor bug fixes. No major new features, pretty much the same as the 5.x v2 of the wishlist module.

wishlist 6.x-2.1-beta


This is a general update of the Wishlist module for Drupal 6 compatibility. It adds no new features, but does include a few patches that were incorporated into the Drupal 5 branch of this module which were never given a formal release.

This is a beta. I've given it cursory testing after completing the Drupal 6 conversion steps and all appears to be well, but I am not presently using it production myself. Please report problems to the module's issue queue.

wishlist 5.x-2.0

Version 2.0 of the wishlist module contains several new visibility protection features, including configuration options that can make it very difficult for your users to see the purchased status of their wishlist items.

Display configuration options have been added that allow you to control which columns appear in the wishlist table view and to control the number of rows that the table will have. A theme function has also been added to allow developers to change the display name shown for users in the wishlist module. You are also able to hide the currency field if your site does not require multiple currency support for wishlist nodes.

Several bugs have been fixed, including some important CSS layout errors and an access control error that allowed anonymous users to view the list even when they were not authorized to do so.

A new feature has been added to automatically remove items from the wishlist a certain number of days after the item has been fully purchased. This feature requires a database change, so be sure to run update.php (note: postgres support is incomplete as I only run with and test mysql).

There are now 'new' indicators on wishlist items in the same way forums and comments are flagged as new throughout the Drupal platform.

wishlist 4.7.x-2.0

Version 2.0 of the wishlist module contains several new visibility protection features, including configuration options that can make it very difficult for your users to see the purchased status of their wishlist items.

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