taxonomy_title 7.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Cleanup from initial port to D7, re-work of admin pages, update to screenshots, new D7-style tokens, minor bugfixes, etc.

taxonomy_title 7.x-1.5-alpha1

New features
Bug fixes

inital release for D7. Still needs testing for translations.
- tokens working [#1356518}
- errors resolved #1236838: Error when adding tags to an article

taxonomy_title 7.x-1.4-alpha1

Bug fixes

inital release for D7. Still needs testing for translations.
- tokens working [#1356518}
- errors resolved #1236838: Error when adding tags to an article

taxonomy_title 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Critical Issue fixed, general code and comments cleaned up.

taxonomy_title 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

Token support, general code cleanup, and fixes to the non-display issue via preprocess.

taxonomy_title 6.x-1.0

D6 version. Note: no changes to template.php since D6 theming system is now so awesome!!!

taxonomy_title 5.x-1.1

New features

Added feature request in #349404 for setting the meta page title as well.

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