I pretty much like the idea behind this module, but I'm having several problems trying to have it working.

Firts of all, the module introduces an error in the menu system (menu.inc line 258).

This happens because custom_review_menu reads:

function custom_review_menu() {
  $items['admin/settings/custom_review'] = array(
      'title' => 'Custom review',
      'description' => 'Custom review bind',
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array('custom_review_binding_form'),
      'access arguments' => user_access('administer custom review')
  return $items;

whereas it should be:

function custom_review_menu() {
  $items['admin/settings/custom_review'] = array(
      'title' => 'Custom review',
      'description' => 'Custom review bind',
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array('custom_review_binding_form'),
      'access arguments' => array('administer custom review')
  return $items;

(i.e., 'access arguments' must be an array and 'access callback' defaults to user_access in Drupal 6).

Then, I cannot manage to have the views working, and it is not obvious at all (as it isn't documented as far as I can see) how to have the review system working.

Meaning, once that I have said that node type "R" is a reviewer for node type "X", how can I make so that on nodes of type X there is a link to "write a review R for X" or anything similar?

I have written a custom hook_link to make it work somehow, but some more obvious and practical system should definitely be available IMHO.

I'm using the latest stable Drupal (6.6), CCK 6.x-2.0 and Views 6.x-2.1.

Thank you very much, keep up the good work!



askit’s picture

Thank Daniele for providing the fix.

Thank Striky2 for bringing such a great module. It's a pity no patch is applied to the release yet , and this project was not updated for long. Hope somebody may take it up if the author is too busy or loses interest on it...


Striky2’s picture


The module is looking for a maintainer, but no one offered to work on it since I left it on the web. Honnestly, there is a 5 m-day work to completely finish all the staff with views, fixes and d5 compatibility. This would be just basic staff to fix...

The project I was originally doing the module for has moved towards other horizons, and I personnaly work on projects that do not use Drupal. If anyone has a business interest to see this working, I can bring the knowledge to deliver it as pro-service.
