mailhandler 6.x-2.10

Bug fixes
  • #2099845 by Dane Powell: Suggest secure mailbox settings.
  • #2082911 by Dane Powell: For 'default' test mailbox, copy test messages to tmp directory first.
  • Added makefile with dependencies.
  • Allow insecure authentication for existing mailboxes.
  • Added secure setting to test mailbox.
  • #2129211 by Dane Powell, kscheirer: Document hook_mailhandler_auth_failed().

mailhandler 7.x-2.9

New features
Bug fixes

Known issues

You cannot connect to an insecure server (plain-text authentication) using this release:

Please consider using secure authentication, or use the latest development release, which has a checkbox to allow insecure connections.

Changes since 7.x-2.8:

mailhandler 6.x-2.9

Bug fixes

Known issues

You cannot connect to an insecure server (plain-text authentication) using this release:

Please consider using secure authentication, or use the latest development release, which has a checkbox to allow insecure connections.

Changes since 6.x-2.8:

mailhandler 6.x-2.8

Bug fixes

Known issues

Mailbox settings form is broken:

Changes since 6.x-2.7:

mailhandler 6.x-2.7

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-2.6:

  • Dane Powell: Clarified ctools dependency.
  • Dane Powell: Fixed domain in test mailbox.
  • Dane Powell: Fixed mailhandler_default test mailbox.
  • Dane Powell: Fixed broken binary attachments (regression).

mailhandler 7.x-2.7

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.6:

  • Dane Powell: Changed mailhandler_default importer to work with latest Feeds.
  • Dane Powell: Fixed mailhandler_default test mailbox.
  • Dane Powell: Fixed broken binary attachments (regression).

mailhandler 7.x-2.5

New features
Bug fixes

Known issue

#1597384: File attachments broken.

Original summary

This release primarily brings bug fixes. It also includes a huge number of unit tests, making it (hopefully) one of the most stable releases of Mailhandler to date.

The biggest change in this release is that "default commands" are now configured per-Source rather than per-Importer. If you had configured any default commands in an Importer attached to a Source content type, those commands will automatically be moved to the Source nodes.

mailhandler 6.x-2.5

New features
Bug fixes

Known issue

#1597384: File attachments broken.

Original summary

This release primarily brings bug fixes. It also includes a huge number of unit tests, making it (hopefully) one of the most stable releases of Mailhandler to date.

The biggest change in this release is that "default commands" are now configured per-Source rather than per-Importer. If you had configured any default commands in an Importer attached to a Source content type, those commands will automatically be moved to the Source nodes.

mailhandler 7.x-2.3

New features
Bug fixes

Action required for some users

From now on, the HTML body of an email will be imported by default (if available), even if you previously selected to import the plain text body. If you want to import the plain text body, you will need to update your importers to use the appropriate mapping source. Please see for more info.

Changes since 7.x-2.2:

mailhandler 6.x-2.3

New features
Bug fixes

Action required for some users

From now on, the HTML body of an email will be imported by default (if available), even if you previously selected to import the plain text body. If you want to import the plain text body, you will need to update your importers to use the appropriate mapping source. Please see for more info.

Changes since 6.x-2.2:

mailhandler 7.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

Known issue

#1363372: Authenticated messages not being purged means that most messages will not get marked as read / deleted. Sorry! Please wait for the next release, in the next few hours most likely.

mailhandler 6.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

Known issue

#1363484: Error on import related to get_mime_type() makes this release unusable for most users. Sorry! Please wait for 6.x-2.2, which will come out shortly. I'm adding more tests to prevent this sort of problem in the future.

mailhandler 7.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

Known issue

Please note that the labels for 'POP' and 'IMAP' on the mailbox creation screen are reversed- this will be fixed in the next release. It's advised that you do not create any mailboxes using this release, and instead wait for the next release.

Changes since 7.x-2.0-rc1:

mailhandler 6.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

Known issue

Please note that the labels for 'POP' and 'IMAP' on the mailbox creation screen are reversed- this will be fixed in the next release. It's advised that you do not create any mailboxes using this release, and instead wait for the next release.

Changes since 6.x-2.0-rc1:

mailhandler 7.x-2.0-alpha6

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.0-alpha5:

  • Fixed available commands not able to be mapped
  • #1137784 by Dane Powell: Fixed errors when upgrading from previous versions

mailhandler 6.x-2.0-alpha6

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-2.0-alpha5:

  • Fixed available commands not able to be mapped

mailhandler 7.x-2.0-alpha5

Bug fixes


There is an error when running update.php- please wait for alpha6 and skip this release. If you are installing mailhandler for the first time, however, it is okay to use this release.

The mailbox schema has changed slightly- the 'mail' field now holds and alphanumeric version of the email address, and the actual email address is stored in the extended settings. Note that the version jump from alpha3 to alpha5 is simply to keep Mail Comment and Mailhandler releases in lockstep.

Changes since 7.x-2.0-alpha3:

mailhandler 6.x-2.0-alpha5

Bug fixes

You must run update.php if upgrading from a previous release. This is because the mailbox schema has changed slightly- the 'mail' field now holds and alphanumeric version of the email address, and the actual email address is stored in the extended settings. Note that the version jump from alpha3 to alpha5 is simply to keep Mail Comment and Mailhandler releases in lockstep.

Changes since 6.x-2.0-alpha3:

mailhandler 7.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

Commands: fixed default and clarified instructions
#1112364: PHP Fatal error: Class 'MailhandlerAuthenticate' not found: Fixed PHP errors and updated how CTools plugins are defined

mailhandler 6.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

Commands: fixed default and clarified instructions
#1112364: PHP Fatal error: Class 'MailhandlerAuthenticate' not found: Fixed PHP errors and updated how CTools plugins are defined

mailhandler 6.x-2.0-alpha2

New features

An upgrade path now exists from Mailhandler 6.x-1.x to 6.x-2.x. Please make sure you have all dependencies of Mailhandler 6.x-2.x installed, then run update.php, which will upgrade your existing mailboxes to the 2.x format and create corresponding Feeds importers and input formats.

mailhandler 7.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

Initial release of 7.x-2.x- note that this release is strictly for testing and not for use on production sites. There is no upgrade path from 7.x-1.x. The purpose of this release is to iron out critical bugs and stabilize the schema/architecture of the module before an upgrade path is written.

mailhandler 6.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

Initial release of 6.x-2.x- note that this release is strictly for testing and not for use on production sites. There is no upgrade path from 6.x-1.x. The purpose of this release is to iron out critical bugs and stabilize the schema/architecture of the module before an upgrade path is written.

mailhandler 7.x-1.x-dev

Note: This release is just a placeholder to attach issues for now. There is no real Drupal 7 code in this package. Avoid downloading it untill the code transition has been done.

mailhandler 6.x-1.11

Bug fixes

This is a bug fix release, including the following fixes:

mailhandler 6.x-1.10

Bug fixes

Fix a major issue in the last release of not checking whether a module exists during execution of a plugin. See 6.x-1.9 release for other release notes.

mailhandler 6.x-1.9

New features
Bug fixes

This is a bug fix, refactor, and feature release. The main feature introduced is the pluggable authentication system which allows for other modules to create authentication plugins for mailhandler in order to handle whether a message should be allowed or denied based on a strategy implemented by each plugin. Bug fixes and refactoring are many and listed below:

* #542836: emails are not deleted using pop3 mail account messages fetched from UI not getting deleted
* #532894: Colspan incorrect (TRIVIAL) by xurizaemon - Colspan incorrect. Fix colspan on mailboxes overview table
* #639830: Wrong node type is prepared if user specifies node type in default or per-message commands and #639846 by Sheldon Rampton, neochief, hhaidoura, and Ian Ward Commands are now parsed first, essential node type command is retrieved, node is prepared, and then finally commands are executed on the node.
* #580810: Use a sane default encoding for messages that do not define their encoding by mfb, z.stolar, Ian Ward: allow defaut encoding to be used when messages do not specify.
* #464186: Comments submitted via email not getting published, even with permissions set to allow it by Ian Ward - Comment status was not getting set correctly partly because of #639830, partly because comment_save cannot fall back to permissions when adding two arrays together when status already exists in first array, and partly because status 1 for a comment is not the same as status 1 for an node (but mailhandler assumed it was
* #639830: Wrong node type is prepared if user specifies node type in default or per-message commands and #639846, and #464186 by Ian Ward - several small bug fixes, node preparation fix, commands handling fix


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