user_import 7.x-3.2

Bug fixes

Issue #1928404 by xurizaemon: HTML rendering explicity in mail as code.
Issue #2199415 by Johnny vd Laar, kyletaylored: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in _user_import_settings_save() (line 574 of user_import/user_import.module).
Issue #1887400 by caesius, szt, cprouvot: does not save taxonomy fields.

user_import 7.x-3.1

Bug fixes

Issue #1928404 by xurizaemon: HTML rendering explicity in mail as code.
Issue #2199415 by Johnny vd Laar, kyletaylored: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in _user_import_settings_save() (line 574 of user_import/user_import.module).
Issue #1887400 by caesius, szt, cprouvot: does not save taxonomy fields.

user_import 7.x-3.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Latest development snapshot of the 7.x-3.x branch.

Issues pushed to 7.x-3.x since tagged release 7.x-3.2:

user_import 6.x-4.3

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #887550 by mstrelan: Ability to select primary key.
More accurate error reporting.

user_import 7.x-2.2

New features

Issue #2212101 by stefan.r: Include hook to allow other modules to define own field processors.
Issue #1979274 by incarnated | DarrellDuane: Import sets timezone = -18000 when it should be America/NewYork.

user_import 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Added message to set Private files system path before starting an import
Updating documentation

user_import 7.x-2.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

- automated imports from import templates
- email domain option to create emails from concatenated fields
- account creation date import option
Issue #2038093 by mrvinceo: Drush user-import command results in error.
Issue #2008524 by clavigne: Added Documentation on and in README.txt refers to Drupal 6 only.

user_import 7.x-2.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

- automated imports from import templates
- email domain option to create emails from concatenated fields
- account creation date import option
Issue #2038093 by mrvinceo: Drush user-import command results in error.
Issue #2008524 by clavigne: Added Documentation on and in README.txt refers to Drupal 6 only.

user_import 7.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

* More accurate count of lines processed
* Avoid potential bug of alternating between importing and ignoring lines
* Add User Import to the 'Deployment' package on the Modules admin page
* Provide a post import hook
* Avoid looping too many times trying to find a unique username by using random multiplier
* Commenting out broken tests

user_import 7.x-1.0-beta6

New features
Bug fixes

Multi value fields support.
Code formatting - now passes Coder review.
Updated sample file to add empty and multi-value telephone data.
Issue #1887400 by caesius: More tab options.
Issue #1918574 by GaxZE | Max2505: Fixed Fatat Error - Call to undefined function db_fetch_object().
Issue #1886762 by eric.johnson: Fixed Clicking 'Next' on create new import screen gives blank page.

user_import 7.x-1.0-beta5

Bug fixes

Issue #1886766 by eric.johnson: Fixed Errors after testing import, but error page is blank.

user_import 7.x-1.0-beta4

New features

Adding one hunk that should have been included in previous tag.

user_import 7.x-1.0-beta3

New features

Issue #1828800 by futurist: Field Match: No custom fields available
- added initial support for most core field types
- API still a work in progress and liable to change

user_import 7.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Issue #1840246 by warmth: Fixed profile_fields() doesn't exist error.
Issue #1826014 by personxx@groups...: Fixed D7 db_query() error after trying to import entries.
Issue #1803410 by rjacobs | jeanpierre: Fixed Non-comma delimiters not supported (leading to errors like 'no email').
Issue #1833960 by torrance123 | petednz: Fixed user login email did not contain the one time user login link.
+ Code formatting tidying up

user_import 6.x-4.2

Bug fixes

Fix undefined index issue
Issue #1803410 by rjacobs | jeanpierre: Fixed Non-comma delimiters not supported (leading to errors like 'no email').

user_import 7.x-1.0-beta1

git commit -m "Issue #670844 by Francewhoa, bmunslow, starmate, rositis : User Import - Port to Drupal 7 ."

Note: user profile fields are not yet supported.

user_import 6.x-4.1

Bug fixes

Issue #1805164 by flug: Fixed After testing, clicking 'import' on List Imports page gives missing function error, with solution.
Issue #1800992 by Diont: Fixed $delimiter is every NULL.
Issue #1805314 by class47: Could not get data, the file is either empty or has incompatible line endings.
Remove LIMIT clauses on Profile SQL for Postgres compatibility
Issue #1806428 by aiaMic: Fixed SQL Error for update of profiles.
bug fix: refactoring of import process

user_import 6.x-4.0

Bug fixes

Refactoring of options saving.
Issue #1627518 by vlad.dancer | jducro: Fixed Call to undefined function _user_import_profile().
Issue #752522 by joachim: Fixed Incorrect use of hook_mail().
Issue #1267352 by ryan_courtnage: Fixed Not passing message['language'] to _user_mail_text().
Issue #1014618 by rhoerbe: Fixed is not POSTGRES compatible.
Remove LIMIT in queries and replace with db_querry_range
Issue #1003282 by fmueller: Fixed Calls of the function _user_import_settings_select().

user_import 6.x-3.0-beta3

- Significantly cuts down on amount of code loaded when User Import is not importing or being configured.
- Removed cruft

user_import 6.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Issue #174196 by Agileware, leebroozlee, ardnet, pivica: profile date fields not importing correctly.
Further updates to tests - Profile import test almost complete.

user_import 6.x-3.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

- #461816 per import delimiter
- Updating tests
- removed irrelevant files from FTP selection
- started restructuring save functionality

user_import 6.x-2.4

#664086 Add to README instructions for enable import into Content Profile
#729906 Japanese translation file
- added .pot file

user_import 6.x-2.3

New features

#343795 - Added support for Content Profile
thanks to joachim and kenorb for patches

user_import 5.x-2.10

Bug fixes

#566114 Respect $db_prefix setting when working with database objects

#566212 "Contact: No Update" doesn't work for Update Existing Users

#492484 Password being reset on re-import

user_import 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

#566114 Respect $db_prefix setting when working with database objects

#566212 "Contact: No Update" doesn't work for Update Existing Users

#492484 Password being reset on re-import

user_import 5.x-2.9

New features
Bug fixes

#472576 User import for existing users to conserve old roles does not work
#171152 Map imported fields to roles

user_import 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

#472576 User import for existing users to conserve old roles does not work
#482476 Make a DRUPAL-6--1 CVS Branch/6.x-1.x-dev

user_import 5.x-2.8

Bug fixes

- Bug Fix: User Import doesn't update profile_values table (#421370)

user_import 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

- Bug Fx: User Import doesn't update profile_values table (421370)

user_import 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixed bugs in upgrade from previous versions.
Official Drupal 6 release!

user_import 6.x-0.4

- Updated module as recomended in the handbook
- Needs more basic testing before rolling a BETA

user_import 5.x-2.6

New features
Bug fixes

No new bugs reported, making an official release.

user_import 6.x-0.3

started porting to Drupal 6
- .info file done
- .install file done
- menu done
- Form API updates started
- updated validation and submit functions
- started dealing with changes in 'op' variable no longer being used

user_import 6.x-0.1

Creating branch in order to start update of module to Drupal 6.

user_import 5.x-2.0-beta4

Bug fixes

[bugfix #353927] - Fixed duplicate email handling (when duplicates in same processing run)

user_import 5.x-2.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

[bugfix #229509] - FTP upload file list incorrectly includes licence.txt fixed
[bugfix #268922] - Updating users with any role will reset any previous roles. Changed to add roles to previously assigned roles
[bugfix #217994] - fixed tag appearing in watchdog logs
[feature #111184] added auto_detect_line_endings

user_import 5.x-2.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

[feature #33768] - pgsql support
[bugfix #319194, #342220] - errors now stored correctly
[bugfix #257270, #281096] - Organic Groups of more than one content type now display as options
[bugfix #226682] - module version info
[bugfix #286168] - Importing more than maximum users fixed
[bugfix #206361] - stopped duplicate row with empty value being inserted into profile_values
[bugfix #286160] - errors table is created with wrong column definition

user_import 5.x-2.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

[bugfix] - duplicate email handling
[bugfix:#327748, #329430] - welcome emails
[bugfix:#339122,#331017,#84902,] - sanitise username
[bugfix:#342300] - Compatibility with latest version of Node Import and Auto NodeTitle modules
[bugfix] - Improved delete file message to warn that file added by FTP needs deletion
[bugfix] - fixed 'Update Existing Users' option setting created accounts to blocked
[feature:#332195] - NodeProfile field match display includes content type
[feature:] - locked down import link made suggested menu item

user_import 5.x-2.x-dev

New features

* refactered to allow other modules to add to the import process
* support for nodeprofile
* initial work on locked down imports for use by non-admins

user_import 5.x-1.3

Users can be imported to Organic Groups even if accounts already exist.
HTML welcome emails.


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