Creating or updating an issue report

Last updated on
15 March 2024

If adding or updating an issue is your first contribution -- welcome to the community!

Are you updating an existing issue? See the Update or comment on an existing issue section below.

Create a new issue

Before you create a new issue, search to see if your issue has already been reported.

You'll need to be logged in to to create an issue. After logging in, find the relevant project issue page and click Create a new issue. All of the issue fields that you will see after that are described below.

Be aware, there are special steps to report a security issue.

Create or update issue information

Issues have a lot of fields! The fields are grouped into sections (which may need to be expanded).

Don't worry about choosing the perfect field values because issues can always be updated! The Drupal community appreciates your effort, and someone (including you!) can edit the issue later to make it better.

Issue metadata section

  • Title: A short description of the problem or expected outcome. Try to make it human-readable; you probably shouldn't copy and paste error messages or codes.
  • Project: If you're creating a new issue and started from the correct project's issue page, you can leave this field alone. If you're editing an issue and have discovered that the issue's cause is in a different project from where it was originally reported, you can change to a different project.
  • Category: Choose Bug report for problems, Feature request for a new idea, Task for a "to do" item, and Plan for making decisions.
  • Priority: Choose Normal unless it's really serious or really trivial. You can also choose Normal and let a maintainer change it as necessary.
  • Status: Leave as Active for a new issue. The status of an issue will change as it goes through its life cycle.
  • Version: Leave the default value. You can mention which specific version you're using in the issue summary field described below.
  • Component: Choose the closest match (remember, it can be edited later!). Each project has its own list of components. Some have two, others have many. Drupal core issues have components for every core module, theme, and subsystem. It's okay if you don't select the correct component at first.
  • Tags: Please do not add made-up tags! Project maintainers use this field to help organize their work so it is best for new contributors to leave this field blank on a new issue.
  • Assigned: Leave the issue Unassigned. This field is usually for project maintainers.

Issue summary & relationships section

Each project has an issue summary template. If you create a new issue, the template will be filled in for you. If you are editing an existing issue that does not already use a template, you can insert a new issue summary template at the top of the issue summary field, and then fill it in. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your summary succinct and descriptive.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue, starting from a clean installation of Drupal, can be very helpful!
  • Screenshots can be very helpful too. You can upload them in the Files section.
  • Consider saving long error messages or logs to a text file and uploading that file in the Files section instead of copying and pasting them into the issue summary.

Other fields

  • Related issues (located in the "Issue summary & relationships" section): If this issue is related to another issue, you can link them together in this area by pasting the URL of an issue in a new item.
  • Files section: You can upload screenshots, log output, and patches in this section.

Update or comment on an existing issue

If you have new information to add to an existing issue:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the issue page.
  2. (optional) Update issue metadata, issue summary, and other fields (see above). You may need to expand the sections to see the fields.
  3. Write a comment in the Comment field (between the Issue metadata section and the Issue summary section). If you updated fields, explain what you did and why; you can also write a comment without updating fields.
  4. Click Save to save your changes and comment.

Get credit for your contribution

Be sure to add attributions to your comment, if you want to credit an organization for sponsoring your work.


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