Searching for issues

Last updated on
30 November 2023

If you find a problem or want to suggest an improvement to a Drupal community project, you should start with a search of the project's issue queue, to see if an issue matching your problem or suggestion has already been created. This page describes several methods for searching for issues.

Helpful information:

Issue search form

To get to the basic search form, start from the project's home page and click on any issue list link in the sidebar. At the top of the issue list, you will see a search form. Enter values for one or more of the fields, and click Search. A few notes and suggestions:

  • Search for: enter a keyword or words to search for. If you have an error message, that would be a good choice. If your first keyword combination doesn't work, try using fewer keywords and browsing through the search results. Try also using keyword combinations. For example, blank screen might be called blank page in some issue reports.
  • Status: by default, you will only be searching for open issues. It is possible that the problem you are searching for has already been resolved; in this case, it may be useful to set this field to "Any" so that closed issues are also returned in the results.
  • Category: It may be helpful to select a category, but keep in mind that sometimes issues do not have the correct category value.
  • Version: Consider searching with the Version field left blank, or using one of the broad version options like "All 8.x issues". Sometimes issues are reported in a particular version, but may apply to other versions. Also, note that an issue that was found in a particular release (such as 8.3.1) would normally be reported against the corresponding development version (such as 8.3.x) or the latest development version (which might be 8.4.x), because fixes are applied to development versions, not releases.
  • Advanced search: If you want to search by issue tags or other issue fields that are not present on the basic search form, click the Advanced search link and use the Advanced search form. site search form

You can also search for issues by keywords using the main search form, which is located in the site header area. After searching, click the link saying "Forums and issues" under "or filter by...", to limit the search to forum and issue pages.

Web search engine

Sometimes you may have better luck finding an issue by searching using a generic web search engine. Just as Google many other alternative search engines also support the “site:domain.tld” syntax to limit the scope of results to a single website with the given domain name. For example, if you input this in the search field: symfony

Then search results will include not only tickets but all types of content which was indexed on (and its sub-sites): forum topics, contrib projects, documentation pages, etc.

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