There needs to be a way to tell PHPCS that the function is an AJAX-callback so that it generates warnings about duplicate @param documentation.

Considering the PHPCS warning:

phpcs: Hook implementations should not duplicate @param documentation

It should be able to warn like:

phpcs: Callback implementations should not duplicate @param documentation

I mean, I know it's as simple as implementing hooks except that instead of "Implements hook_", the PHPDoc starts with "Implements callback_";
The only problem is that currently (August 2019) it is not supported by Drupal's PHPCS standard and you don't get any warnings yet.


In Drupal's Official-documentation of August 2019, we can find below Callback implementation:

 * Implements callback_batch_finished().
function _node_mass_update_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) {
  // ...

Note: Unlike hooks, any callback starts with an underscore (i.e. it is "_MYMODULE_descreptive_name").


(In addition, it would be nice if we got warned when a callback implementation that is outside of any class has no underscore prefix)


Top-master created an issue. See original summary.

Top-master’s picture

There is also a question about this posted on Stack-overflow, which could be updated after this is resolved.

Top-master’s picture

Issue summary: View changes