I have confirmed stories are set to read / write and user permissions (tried using user 1 and a user belonging to an admin group with administer permissions), but clicking on Administer at the bottom of a story or in Content Management clicking Edit Node, results in nothing, the browsers acts as it is opening a new page, but you do not actually go anywhere but where you allready were.

IE opening http://localhost/cinn/?q=admin/node/edit/391 does nothing but leave you at the page you allready were at on the drupal site. If I install with a completely clean database (the database.mysql instead of my old database backup) I can open http://localhost/cinn/?q=admin/node/edit/1. If I create a new test post with my old database I still can not administer nodes.

Has anybody got any suggestions (no matter how basic they are), or has anybody had this problem before?



eafarris’s picture

make sure that admin.php, node.php, and module.php aren't sitting in your DrupalRoot. While used in 4.1, these files are not necessary in 4.2, and a DrupalSite's behaviour with those files laying around is undefined. :) That caused some weird problems for me, though not what you're describing.

update.php should remove those files, but it doesn't.