Trying to get out of a CVS/module creation problem and found that Eclipse is a possible solution. Looking at the eclipse site there is no such thing as "Eclipse IDE" or "Eclipse IDE for PHP" but a list of downloads.

- Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
- Eclipse Classic 3.4
- Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
- Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
- Eclipse Modeling Tools (includes Incubating components)
- Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers
- Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers

I suspect, but not certain, that the answer of which IDE download is one of the one's that are not called Eclipse IDE - namely Eclipse Classic?

None of the threads and install guides I have stumbled across say which flavour of Eclipse IDE to use but all explicitly do say "Eclipse IDE" and not "Eclipse Classic".


ronliskey’s picture

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