I'm using Drupal 6.3.
I had copied comment.tpl.php into my theme's directory, and renamed to comment-forum.tpl.php.

Hardcoded "hello world" to be printed out, appended to the comment's title. This is to prove we are really loading the new template file.

I had searched on Drupal with comment-forum.tpl.php, and there are 2 camps.

First camp, use
function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars = array())

> different layout for every page in drupal
> themeing forum comments

Second camp, use comment-forum.tpl.php, and it is highlighted that this is possible in 6.x.
> can we theme comments based on content type?

I belong to the second camp, since I'm using 6.x.
Now the irony is that I still can't get Drupal to discover comment-forum.tpl.php, despite doing any one of these:
i) Administer > Site Configuration > Performance > clear cached data or
ii) Administer > Site Building > Themes > Save Configuration

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance.


ChemAli’s picture

Try to put native comment.tpl.php into theme directory.

ThePiano.SG’s picture

Every custom template must have its native one present, before it itself is discovered.