I have a simple view where all of a users images are displayed, but I want them next to each other, not below each other.

Is it possible to place each in a seperate cell, as apposed to row?

Like this:

| Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4 | Image 5 |

I need it to be in table view because that will allow me to position images in the center of the cells, which I can't manage to do in div tags.


WorldFallz’s picture

see Lesson 24: Theming a Views Table

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Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
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"God helps those who help themselves." -- Benjamin Franklin
"Search is your best friend." -- Worldfallz

nevets’s picture

In Drupal 5 there is a views "option pack" that includes a grid layout which sounds like what you are after.

Manamarak’s picture

Thank you, that worked a treat.

See the result at the top of the page at http://www.illustratedphotography.com

werushka’s picture

I am trying to find this option pack but I couldn't where can I find it :(

nevets’s picture

It's actually the Views Bonus module.