This is an informative post. I've already solved my problem, and thought I would document it here so that future sufferers may have some hope of a solution via Google or similar.

I work for an academic department at a large university. Every semester, the office staff gather directory information for all the employees of the department: faculty, non-faculty teachers such as graduate students, staff, and so on. The head of the department wanted to publish that directory info to the Drupal-powered departmental web site, instead of distributing paper copies as they had been.

The office staff in charge of collecting this data have been storing it in a FileMaker Pro database for the last few years, which was entirely adequate to their needs. I was tasked with producing a Drupal module that would allow the office staff to export the directory data from FileMaker as an XML file, and then import it all into Drupal in one fell swoop.

Producing a basic module defining a new content type for directory entries was fairly straightforward. The challenge lay in automatically importing the data from the XML file, creating new nodes for any new records, and updating any existing ones. For a long time, I couldn't figure out how to do this programmatically. Finally, I stumbled across the following code snippet in the API documentation for drupal_execute():

// Create a new node
$form_state = array();
module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
$node = array('type' => 'story');
$form_state['values']['title'] = 'My node';
$form_state['values']['body'] = 'This is the body text!';
$form_state['values']['name'] = 'robo-user';
$form_state['values']['op'] = t('Save');
drupal_execute('story_node_form', $form_state, (object)$node);

Once I had assembled an interface to upload the XML file, parsed the file using SimpleXML and saved each record's values into an array, I used a modified version of the above snippet to create the nodes. The FileMaker database has a field called "eid", which contains a unique ID for each employee. I used that to determine whether the record needed to be updated or created from scratch:

  foreach($records as $record){
    $EID = $record['eid'];

    // Run a check to see if there's an existing node for this employee.
    $query = 'SELECT nid FROM {drw_directory} WHERE eid = "%s"';
    $result = db_result(db_query($query, $EID));

    if($result === false){
      // No existing node.  Prep a new node object and execute the form to create one.
      global $user;

      $node = array(
        'uid' => (string) $user->uid, 
        'name' => (string) $user->name, 
        'type' => 'drw_directory', 
        'language' => '', 
        'body' => NULL, 
        'title' => NULL, 
        'format' => NULL, 
        'status' => true, 
        'promote' => false, 
        'sticky' => false, 
        'created' => time(), 
        'revision' => false, 
        'comment' => '0', 
      $node = (object) $node;

    } else {
      // Node exists. Load it.
      $nid = (int) $result;
      $node = node_load($nid);

    // Import node functions.
    module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');

    // Set the form_state values to those of the record, and set the title as the employee's full name.
    $form_state['values'] = $record;
    $form_state['values']['title'] = $record['FirstName'].' '.$record['LastName'];

    // And set some things for the form.
    $form_state['values']['name'] = $node->name;
    $form_state['values']['op'] = t('Save');

    // Finally, run the form in the background.
    drupal_execute('drw_directory_node_form', $form_state, $node);

Having finished the function, I tried it out ... and it worked! Hooray, bounce bounce.

For thoroughness, I went through three iterations of uploading the XML file (which had 100 records) in order to observe the results. It worked fine for initial creation of the nodes, but it behaved very oddly when updating existing nodes. When I uploaded the same file, it would say that it had updated all the nodes; then I noticed that the very first person in the directory, with the last name Alyea, was gone. Where that node had been, I had instead a duplicate copy of the data for the very LAST person in the XML file, by the last name Wolfe. What? And then when I uploaded the same file a third time, it updated the Wolfe record and then proceeded to create new, duplicate nodes for every entry in the XML file. I then had: three distinct nodes for the Wolfe entry, and two nodes for everyone else, except for Alyea, who only had one node because the inital Alyea node had gotten turned into a Wolfe node.

I thought maybe I was parsing the XML wrong, but that turned out not to be the case. I tried all sorts of stuff. The crucial clue came from examining the SQL generated by my implementation of hook_update(). As you know, Drupal uses a field called VID (version ID) to keep track of distinct versions of individual nodes. The SQL for the update was just fine, but at some point before my hook_update() function got called, the VID was being reset to the VID of the Alyea record, no matter which node was the correct one. Every time I uploaded the file, the existing Alyea node was getting updated a hundred times, and winding up containing the data from the last record in the XML file. But I didn't know where the VID was being reset, or why.

Eventually I resorted to stepping through the execution flow starting from my call to drupal_execute(), using drupal_set_message() to tell me what the VID was at strategic points in the code. Yes, this involved editing the core code, which is ordinarily a no-no. But I wasn't changing functionality, just making it spit out status messages.

Anyway, drupal_execute() called drupal_retrieve_form(), which called node_form(). It was in node_form() that I finally found the culprit. Apparently node_form() expects that the $form_state variable should contain a duplicate copy of the $node object, as an array. The first thing it does is overwrite the $node variable that's passed to it as an argument with the one that comes inside the $form_state array. I hadn't set such a thing on my $form_state variable, and so it was resetting it the way it thought the $node really OUGHT to be.

So the very simple solution was to add the following single line of code immediately before the call to drupal_execute():

    $form_state['node'] = (array) $node;

That fixed everything. It now updates smoothly, creates new nodes when it needs to, and doesn't create nodes when it doesn't have to.

And figuring out that I needed to put that line there only took seven hours. Sometimes, Drupal can be a serious pain in the ass.

I still don't know why exactly it kept choosing the VID of the first record in the XML file as the one to update. Nor do I know why a third upload of the file would cause it to create duplicate nodes. But I don't much care at this point. It works, and I've got to move on to other stuff.

It might be a good idea to update the documentation for drupal_execute() so that that code snippet sets a copy of the $node object in its $form_state, to head off anyone else running into this problem.

I hope someone else finds this account useful.


wdmartin’s picture

Crud, I mis-wrote the URL for the API link to node_form(). The correct URL is:

bestknight’s picture

Thanks for sharing!

wdmartin’s picture

You're welcome.

beautifulmind’s picture

Thank you very much for sharing your work with community.


🪷 Beautifulmind

techninja’s picture

Great job sussing out that one! Pretty darn tricky...

Yep, I was doing the exact same type of import script but found myself ditching the need for updating the nodes after a few iterations.

I myself am quite aghast at the idea that the Drupal API pages contain everything BUT detailed and useful examples. Most programmers I know learn by example, not strictly by reverse engineering the function.

The Drupal API could learn a bit from the incredible usefulness of API page comments and examples.....

...of course could probably learn a few things from drupal ;)


Oh and one more thing.. you probably shouldn't be importing the node functions (<?php module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages'); ?>) for every iteration of the loop through the record rows. Doing it once above the foreach should have you covered ;)

wdmartin’s picture

Oh and one more thing.. you probably shouldn't be importing the node functions ( module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages'); ) for every iteration of the loop through the record rows. Doing it once above the foreach should have you covered ;)

Ooo, that's exactly right! Good eye. Thanks! I'll go tweak that.

McCool’s picture

This saved me some major headaches, and is the best documentaion for creating multiple nodes I have come across.
I had missed out the $form_state['values']['op'] = t('Save'); in mine, so it wasn't saving the node. Doh!

Thanks again for this.

yfreeman’s picture

It's been a while since I did the same exact thing. If i remember correctly for custom modules you will have issues with the validate and submit handlers when submitting the form manually.

Another issues was in the submit handler (of the custom module) if I would save the node it would run through an endless loop or submit it twice.

Some points to watch out for-

wla_g’s picture

Sorry, but I did it much more strait foreward

 *      Generate the basic node information to save an empty node (copied from the node module)
  global $user;
  $node = array('uid' => $user->uid, 
                    'name' => (isset($user->name) ? $user->name : ''), 
                    'type' => 'your_type', 
                    'language' => '');
//      load the file if required
  if( ! function_exists("node_object_prepare")) { 
    include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');
  $node = (object)$node;
//      Give the node a title
  $node->title = 'title you want';
// fill in further values required and then


yfreeman’s picture

There are two basic ways to create nodes programmatically.

1. the node functions
2. the node form

the advantage of the node form is that it should give you error checking if you enter a wrong value type i.e. characters for numbers. This is very valuable for custom modules that have, for example, a drop down list of choices. If the value submitted is not one of the choices in the drop down then the Forms API will throw an error before you even get to the validation functions.

You can bypass this functionality with node_save() and the specific type will have to manually sanitize and validate the results.

one more thing using the form the code tends to be cleaner as you can see in the example given above.
One drawback is that it takes longer to process

aaustin’s picture

I find it easier to use drupal_execute. Mostly because I like to use some fields that get pre-processed before they are entered.

For example, using drupal_execute with free tagging fields is much easier, you don't need to fuss with any business trying to figure out what term id the tag is or anything like that because the module is designed for you to just submit data.

Either way, I can't wait for Drupal 7 and the promise of a unified way to handle fields, so CCK fields aren't structure one way and taxonomy another, etc. etc. Because my biggest headache is trying to figure out the exact structure of that $form_state array with many modules adding fields to a node in many different ways.

allella’s picture


Thanks for the example, I found this post while looking to answer the "updating with drupal_execute" question on a similar thread about programatically creating nodes. I'm curious about the $form_state['node'] value and wanted to run my findings by you and see if we can come up with a definitive example for programatically updating a node. Perhaps we can also look into updating the API to show an example.

You pointed out the need for

  $form_state['node'] = (array) $node

I did not seem to need to set this array value to update a single node. So, I looked at the node_form API and noticed, as you did, that the function does check for the presence of $form_state['node'] . If $form_state['node'] doesn't exist it simply uses the $node parameter. If $form_state['node'] does exist then it merges it with a casted $node parameter.

In your original update example a copy of the $node variable is cast into an array called $form_state['node'] . It seems by the time we reach the node_form() function the $node object and $form_state['node'] array could be duplicates, aside from one being an object and the other an array. Since $form_state['node'] is set it looks like the array merge

$node = $form_state['node'] + (array)$node;

is just merging two identical values and we end up with yet another identical copy of the node's values as an array. Then, a few lines latter it casts back to an object.

I didn't dig in any further to understand the use case for merging these arrays, but it doesn't appear necessary for doing an update with drupal_execute(). We seem to be doing a couple extra expense object to array and array to object casts.

Also, I admit I didn't test looping through multiple updates at once and my example content type do_dad uses only a small mix of CCK field types. Perhaps it is in one of these use cases that the $form_state['node'] becomes necessary with drupal_execute().

In short, I thank you again for point out a working example. I hope you would text my example below, only passing the node_load() value as the third parameter to drupal_execute() . Here's an example that worked to load an existing node/31 and update it's title, body, and set it to unpublished.

  $form_state = array();
  module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');

  $node = node_load(31);  // load node # 31

  $form_state['values']['status'] = 0;  // unpublish the node

  $form_state['values']['title'] = 'My Newly Named Do Dad';
  $form_state['values']['body'] = 'Blah Blah Body of an Edited Do Dad Goes Here';

  $form_state['values']['name'] = 'admin';
  $form_state['values']['op'] = t('Save');  // this seems to be a required value 

$errs = drupal_execute('do_dad_node_form', $form_state, $node);

netbear’s picture

Just to say big thanks to author. It helped me a lot.

skyredwang’s picture

// Author: Jingsheng Wang
// Email: skyred (^)
// Date: Nov.18, 2008


define ( 'C_PPCSV_HEADER_RAW', 0 );
define ( 'C_PPCSV_HEADER_NICE', 1 );

class PaperPear_CSVParser {
	private $m_saHeader = array ();
	private $m_sFileName = '';
	private $m_fp = false;
	private $m_naHeaderMap = array ();
	private $m_saValues = array ();
	function __construct($sFileName) {
		//quick and dirty opening and processing.. you may wish to clean this up
		if ($this->m_fp = fopen ( $sFileName, 'r' )) {
			$this->processHeader ();
	function __call($sMethodName, $saArgs) {
		//check to see if this is a set() or get() request, and extract the name
		if (preg_match ( "/[sg]et(.*)/", $sMethodName, $saFound )) {
			//convert the name portion of the [gs]et to uppercase for header checking
			$sName = strtoupper ( $saFound [1] );
			//see if the entry exists in our named header-> index mapping
			if (array_key_exists ( $sName, $this->m_naHeaderMap )) {
				//it does.. so consult the header map for which index this header controls
				$nIndex = $this->m_naHeaderMap [$sName];
				if ($sMethodName {0} == 'g') {
					//return the value stored in the index associated with this name
					return $this->m_saValues [$nIndex];
				} else {
					//set the valuw
					$this->m_saValues [$nIndex] = $saArgs [0];
					return true;
		//nothing we control so bail out with a false
		return false;
	//get a nicely formatted header name. This will take product_id and make
	//it PRODUCTID in the header map. So now you won't need to worry about whether you need
	//to do a getProductID, or getproductid, or getProductId.. all will work.
	public static function GetNiceHeaderName($sName) {
		return strtoupper ( preg_replace ( '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '', $sName ) );
	//process the header entry so we can map our named header fields to a numerical index, which
	//we'll use when we use fgetcsv().
	private function processHeader() {
		$sLine = fgets ( $this->m_fp );
		//you'll want to make this configurable
		$saFields = split ( ",", $sLine );
		$nIndex = 0;
		foreach ( $saFields as $sField ) {
			//get the nice name to use for "get" and "set".
			$sField = trim ( $sField );
			$sNiceName = PaperPear_CSVParser::GetNiceHeaderName ( $sField );
			//track correlation of raw -> nice name so we don't have to do on-the-fly nice name checks
			$this->m_saHeader [$nIndex] = array (C_PPCSV_HEADER_RAW => $sField, C_PPCSV_HEADER_NICE => $sNiceName );
			$this->m_naHeaderMap [$sNiceName] = $nIndex;
			$nIndex ++;
	//read the next CSV entry
	public function getNext() {
		//this is a basic read, you will likely want to change this to accomodate what
		//you are using for CSV parameters (tabs, encapsulation, etc).
		if (($saValues = fgetcsv ( $this->m_fp )) !== false) {
			$this->m_saValues = $saValues;
			return true;
		return false;

$o = new PaperPear_CSVParser ( '/home/greatbre/public_html/sites/default/files/import/TJS Account List.csv' );
while ( $o->getNext () ) {
	$node->field_account = array (array ('value' => $o->getAcct (), 'safe' => $o->getAcct () ) );
	$node->field_premise = array (array ('value' => $o->getOnOff (), 'safe' => $o->getOnOff () ) );
	$node->title = $o->getDBAname ();
	$node->created = time ();
	$node->status = 1; //published
	$node->promote = 0;
	$node->sticky = 0;
	$node->uid = 1;
	$node->format = 1;
	$node->readmore = FALSE;
	$node->body = '';
	$node->type = 'retailer'; //or whatever other content type you need
	$node->locations = array (array ('street' => $o->getAddress (), 'city' => $o->getCity (), 'province' => $o->getstate (), 'postal_code' => $o->getZipCode (), 'country' => 'us', 'phone' => $o->getPhone (), 'source' => LOCATION_LATLON_USER_SUBMITTED ) );
	node_save ( $node );
	location_save_locations ( $node->locations, array ('nid' => $node->nid, 'vid' => $node->vid ) );
	$node->nid = NULL;
echo 'done';
Summit’s picture

Hi Jingsheng,

Do you also have your cvs file you use?
Do I just need to copy your stuff inside a node with php?

Thanks a lot in advance for your reply!

skyredwang’s picture

I am sorry that I cannot give you the CVS files I used, since it's my company's asset.
Yes, you just create a page, enable php, then visit the page. But keep in mind, you need to check the php timeout setups if you have a large amount of data


define ( 'C_PPCSV_HEADER_RAW', 0 );
define ( 'C_PPCSV_HEADER_NICE', 1 );

class PaperPear_CSVParser {
	private $m_saHeader = array ();
	private $m_sFileName = '';
	private $m_fp = false;
	private $m_naHeaderMap = array ();
	private $m_saValues = array ();
	function __construct($sFileName) {
		//quick and dirty opening and processing.. you may wish to clean this up
		if ($this->m_fp = fopen ( $sFileName, 'r' )) {
			$this->processHeader ();
	function __call($sMethodName, $saArgs) {
		//check to see if this is a set() or get() request, and extract the name
		if (preg_match ( "/[sg]et(.*)/", $sMethodName, $saFound )) {
			//convert the name portion of the [gs]et to uppercase for header checking
			$sName = strtoupper ( $saFound [1] );
			//see if the entry exists in our named header-> index mapping
			if (array_key_exists ( $sName, $this->m_naHeaderMap )) {
				//it does.. so consult the header map for which index this header controls
				$nIndex = $this->m_naHeaderMap [$sName];
				if ($sMethodName {0} == 'g') {
					//return the value stored in the index associated with this name
					return $this->m_saValues [$nIndex];
				} else {
					//set the valuw
					$this->m_saValues [$nIndex] = $saArgs [0];
					return true;
		//nothing we control so bail out with a false
		return false;
	//get a nicely formatted header name. This will take product_id and make
	//it PRODUCTID in the header map. So now you won't need to worry about whether you need
	//to do a getProductID, or getproductid, or getProductId.. all will work.
	public static function GetNiceHeaderName($sName) {
		return strtoupper ( preg_replace ( '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '', $sName ) );
	//process the header entry so we can map our named header fields to a numerical index, which
	//we'll use when we use fgetcsv().
	private function processHeader() {
		$sLine = fgets ( $this->m_fp );
		//you'll want to make this configurable
		$saFields = split ( ",", $sLine );
		$nIndex = 0;
		foreach ( $saFields as $sField ) {
			//get the nice name to use for "get" and "set".
			$sField = trim ( $sField );
			$sNiceName = PaperPear_CSVParser::GetNiceHeaderName ( $sField );
			//track correlation of raw -> nice name so we don't have to do on-the-fly nice name checks
			$this->m_saHeader [$nIndex] = array (C_PPCSV_HEADER_RAW => $sField, C_PPCSV_HEADER_NICE => $sNiceName );
			$this->m_naHeaderMap [$sNiceName] = $nIndex;
			$nIndex ++;
	//read the next CSV entry
	public function getNext() {
		//this is a basic read, you will likely want to change this to accomodate what
		//you are using for CSV parameters (tabs, encapsulation, etc).
		if (($saValues = fgetcsv ( $this->m_fp )) !== false) {
			$this->m_saValues = $saValues;
			return true;
		return false;

$o = new PaperPear_CSVParser ( '/home/greatbre/public_html/sites/default/files/import/testing_products_updated.csv' );
while ( $o->getNext () ) {
	$node->field_webid = array (array ('value' => $o->getwebid(), 'safe' => $o->getwebid() ) );
	$node->field_abv = array (array ('value' => $o->getabv () ) );
        $node->field_self_style = array (array ('value' => $o->getselfstyle(), 'safe' => $o->getselfstyle() ) );
        $node->field_best_with = array (array ('value' => $o->getbestwith(), 'safe' => $o->getbestwith() ) );
        $node->field_brand = array (array ('nid' => $o->getnid () ) );
        $node->field_availability = array (array ('value' => $o->getSeansonal(), 'safe' => $o->getSeansonal() ) );
        $node->field_speci_attr = array (array ('value' => $o->getNiche(), 'safe' => $o->getNiche()) ,array ('value' => $o->getNiche2(), 'safe' => $o->getNiche2()),array ('value' => $o->getNiche3(), 'safe' => $o->getNiche3()) );
        $node->field_cases = array (array ('value' => $o->getPackage1(), 'safe' => $o->getPackage1()) ,array ('value' => $o->getPackage2(), 'safe' => $o->getPackage2()),array ('value' => $o->getPackage3(), 'safe' => $o->getPackage3()) );
        $node->field_kegs = array (array ('value' => $o->getDraft1(), 'safe' => $o->getDraft1()) ,array ('value' => $o->getDraft2(), 'safe' => $o->getDraft2()),array ('value' => $o->getDraft3(), 'safe' => $o->getDraft3()) );
        $node->field_keg_conn = array (array ('value' => $o->getKeg(), 'safe' => $o->getKeg() ) );
        $node->field_upc = array (array ('barcode' => $o->getRetailPackage(), 'title' => 'Retail Package') ,array ('barcode' => $o->getCase(), 'title' =>'Case'),array ('barcode' => $o->getBottle(), 'title' =>'Bottle') );
	$node->title = $o->getProduct ();
        $node->taxonomy = array($o->gettid ());
        $node->iid = $o->getiid (); // Image Attach
	$node->created = time ();
	$node->status = 1; //published
	$node->promote = 0;
	$node->sticky = 0;
	$node->uid = 1;
	$node->format = 1;
	$node->readmore = FALSE;
	$node->body = $o->getprofile ();
	$node->type = 'product'; //or whatever other content type you need
        node_save ( $node );
	$node->nid = NULL;
echo 'done';
Summit’s picture

Hi Jingsheng,

Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
Is this a module please? Are the product functions from Drupal itself?
Can't you please give the header and first line on cvs?
That way I can build my own easier on that, than looking through the code with trial-and-error?

Thanks a lot in advance for considering this!


infojunkie’s picture

The node's nid can be found at $form_state['nid'] after drupal_execute has successfully returned.

jackfoust’s picture

Took me FOREVER to find this, THANK YOU.

icstars’s picture

thank you!!!! $form_state['nid'])!!!!

sarasioux’s picture

I kept running into the problem where no approach would prefill CCK fields with their defined defaults. This is how I ended up getting it to work. Might have worked through drupal_execute but after several hours I couldn't make that work so I went back to node_save and TADA!

   $node = (object)array(
   $contenttype = content_types($type);
   foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $fieldname => $field) {
      if(isset($field['widget']['default_value'])) {
         $node->$fieldname = $field['widget']['default_value'];
olbion’s picture

Thanks, I was trying to solve this issue of making node_save use CCK default values. Here's an extended function that also:
- Only overrides with CCK defaults if values havn't been manually provided
- Only deals with text types (dates would require some adaptation)
- Also deals with (evaluates) PHP default values

function _set_cck_defaults(&$node) {

  $contenttype = content_types($node->type);
  foreach($contenttype['fields'] as $fieldname => $field) {

    if(!empty($node->{$fieldname}[0]['value'])) {


    if($field['type'] != 'text') {


    if(isset($field['widget']['default_value'])) {

      $node->$fieldname = $field['widget']['default_value'];

    elseif(isset($field['widget']['default_value_php'])) {

      $node->$fieldname = eval($field['widget']['default_value_php']);
ajspadial’s picture

Thank you,

I'm working on an very VERY similar module to import people data from a legacy database to Drupal in a Research Centre. I just managed to make it work when I found your post, but it helped me to assure i was right. I have not found yet problems with duplicities or missings.

Are you posting your work as a contributed module, or are you keeping it private?

If I got a customizable enough module I will publish it on CVS. But it's still quite specific for my database.

Thank you again for your work and your post.

Antonio Jesús Sánchez Padial
Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences - Spanish National Research Council (CCHS- CSIC)
Madrid, Spain

dman’s picture

I think your problem may be that you are not initializing $form_state before you use it.
$form_state is fed into the execute by reference so that any changes the rest of the system makes are left cluttering up that array. Some of which may be confusing the process.
The way your code is structured, $form_state is being recycled repeatedly, as if you are pressing 'save' repeatedly on the same page with different results, when you actually want to be submitting many subsequent forms.

Just setting $form_state = array() at the start of the loop (good programming practice also - protects you from PHP lazyness) should have fixed that.

supertwang’s picture

has anyone used this method to alter the form components of other modules?

For example, I am modifying a node of type 'page', I have included a custom field 'blah' and want to set its value, also, the Path module has a form on the page node edit form containing a url alias, and I want to set it.

Has anyone had any luck altering some of the 'sub-form' fields in a node type?

Does doing this require separate calls to drupal_execute (one for each subform)?

THanks to the author, this is VERY useful to me!

dman’s picture

There is no reason why you can't do this with any form at all, including altered ones.
You just have to know what the names of the elements you want to set are going to be.
devel.module provides a node_dump that is usually the information you need. Some modules (like taxonomy) may take slightly different data structures than the $node shows, but betwen looking at the $node and view-source on the form you can probably figure it out.

antiorario’s picture

First off, thank you very much to everyone who contributed to this post with great advice.

Having worked the whole day over this kinds of issues, I may have some tips in case someone is finding that drupal_execute doesn't behave the way it should. What I found (and I know it's not new, and maybe someone else had solved it before, but all I could do is find my own solution) was that certain CCK fields do not get populated by drupal_execute after the first node has been created (that is, the first node comes out OK, but not the following ones). I narrowed the problem down to those fields that need specific validation, such as dates, currency values, and even text fields in the form of select items.

My solution was to isolate those fields and, after running drupal_execute, retrieve the full node objects just created and populate the missing fields, then run node_save on those. It's not too efficient, of course, as the function needs to go through all the nodes twice.

Why didn't I run node_save right away, as advised elsewhere? (I read posts by KarenS where she recommends it over drupal_execute.) I didn't, because drupal_execute makes it a breeze to programmatically enter taxonomy terms and even file fields and image fields, which—as far as I've seen—node_save does not populate correctly (that is, it doesn't call the appropriate functions to upload and manage files). drupal_execute works perfectly even with an experimental module like FileField Sources: But those extra tricky fields, only node_save could tame them.

If anyone has run into similar issues and needs code examples, just let me know and I will post them. (I've been coding all day, and right now I can't look at another line of PHP.)

superlou’s picture

I've made my own CCK node type, and would like to use drupal_execute to populate it. Although my nodes get created, I receive the warning:

warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home4/louissim/public_html/lmctv2/includes/ on line 323.

The show (my custom node type) seems to be created ok. The warning does not occur when submitting the node form by hand. I've stripped down my code to try to isolate the cause, and the following still throws the warning (and creates a show node):

$form_state = array();
$form_state['values']['title'] = 'Test Title';
$form_state['values']['body'] = 'Body text';
$form_state['values']['name'] = 'admin';
$form_state['values']['op'] = t('Save');
$node = array('type' => 'show');

drupal_execute('show_node_form',$form_state, (object)$node);

Does anyone have ideas on how I could pinpoint the issue, or seen this themselves?

allella’s picture

It could be a missing value in $form_state. In previous examples I've had a couple of values in there, like

$form_state['values']['type'] = 'show';
$form_state['values']['status'] = 1;

I'd suggest trying this basic example of node_execute() and once that works look at examples for adding CCK fields and such, like this more advanced D6 example of drupal_execute()

da_solver’s picture

Here is the function signature as described in the Drupal 6.x documentation:

drupal_execute($form_id, &$form_state)

It states the second parameter is passed by reference, not value. Notice the ampersand in &$form_state . That means pass by reference.

Now let's look at your code:

drupal_execute('show_node_form',$form_state, (object)$node);

You are passing by value.

Sorry, haven't looked the rest. Just noticed the reference operator was missing. Hope that helps :)

dman’s picture

Um, not really. In PHP4, maybe, but even then, no.

The function signature defines whether the input is treated as a reference or not, and if you upgrade to PHP5 (Which you really should because PHP4 is really old now) you'll find that "Call-time pass by reference" has been deprecated so trying to pass in a reference explicitly (as you suggest) would be wrong.

Not sure what's up with the actual error though. Probably a missing, required value on the node or form. Different node types may require or expect different values to be set, depending on how many modules are enabled.

allella’s picture

I'd agree with Dan. The pass by-reference shouldn't be in the function call, but in the function definition, as it is in the API.

As to the point about the parameters of drupal_execute, near the top of that page it shows an example of creating a node with the extra (object) $node.

It explains the reason for this on that page as well,

"Any additional arguments are passed on to the functions called by drupal_execute(), including the unique form constructor function. For example, the node_edit form requires that a node object be passed in here when it is called"

Including (object) $node to create something other than a node may be wrong, but since this thread is about "Programmatically creating nodes with drupal_execute" the examples that use (object) $node should work well.

rajeevk’s picture

Hello wdmartin,

Thanks for this was really useful for me.
I have also done something like this, where I have created a form and on submission I am creating a node of content type by submitting some values in the fields of the desired node.
Now everything is working after long trial & error method except this UID thing -

'uid' => (string) $user->uid

I am pasting the those bunch of lines which I am using in my code -

function taskform_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $node = new stdClass();
  $node->type = 'create_task';
  $node->uid = (string)$user->uid;
  $node->title = $form_state['values']['task'];
  $node->body = $form_state['values']['task'];
  $node->status = 1;
  $node->promote = 0;
  $node->field_assigned_uid[]['uid'] = $user->uid;
	$node = node_submit($node);
	if ($node->validated) {
		t("Node not created");

Can you tell me what can be problem with this ?

Any way thanks,

Rajeev Kumar, (ActivityPub)

Umayal’s picture

use following code to get current uid:

global $user;

//Use double quotation for content type machine name
 $node->type = "create_task"; // Or any other content type you want

programmatically create nodes, comments and taxonomies in Drupal 7