The Department of Interior’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) provides independent oversight to promote effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, and integrity in the programs, operations, and management of the Department of the Interior (DOI). The OIG accomplishes its mission by conducting audits, investigations, evaluations, and reviews relating to the programs and operations of DOI.

DOI OIG contracted with Fig Leaf Software to provide direct, qualified and experienced Drupal support to work to support the agency’s cloud-hosted environment and migrate the OIG public website from a legacy Content Management System (CMS), CommonSpot, on to a new cloud-hosted Drupal solution for

Why Drupal was chosen: 

Fig Leaf Software provided DOI OIG with Drupal website development support and content migration to the Department of the Interior’s new cloud-hosted Drupal content management system. Fig Leaf provided support for agency’s underlying information architecture, the underlying codebase, infrastructure and software platforms which includes the Open Public Drupal architecture running within a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python) stack.

Fig Leaf kicked off the project by establishing a Drupal base theme using the agency’s visual identity guide and logo. Fig Leaf’s responsive design and 508 compliant solutions included the following features in the new site:

Drupal theming and template development
Forms, RSS Feeds, and Surveys, user text sizing
Links to the OIG Hotline
Audio, video, and multimedia capability
Integrated Twitter and social media

Fig Leaf migrated content including 1,600 PDFs and .txt files, reports, and other files along with additional pages and links from CommonSpot to Drupal. The new website provides search functionality for the overall site to include the report database.

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

Working with OpenDOI’s base theme, OpenOmega, Fig Leaf was able to quickly build a responsive website within the short timeline required by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for this project. Discovery sessions with the OIG team provided insightful information regarding the site content, audience and the design and development site goals. This allowed Team Fig Leaf to recommend changes to navigation, propose changes to interactivity and development, and produce a new design to reflect the OIG brand.

Technical specifications

Drupal version: 
Drupal 7.x
Key modules/theme/distribution used: 
Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

Of primary importance to the OIG team was the ability to provide ready access and search capabilities to the many Reports that the Office produces throughout the year. Our user interface designer and development team worked together to construct tools within the search interface that makes it easy for a user to find reports in many different ways.