Author Taxonomy allows you to assign one or more authors to a node from terms within a vocabulary. Thanks to Drupal 6's excellent new theming features, the 6.x version of this module can fully replace a theme's default post information output -- that is, the "submitted by Username on date" text. This module also provides a fully themable byline that displays:

  • Author names in a serialized manner: "Jane and Jack" or "Jane, Jack, and Joe"
  • Links each author term to a page that lists all nodes tagged with that author
  • A fully configurable timestamp using PHP's date() function format strings


Before you begin, you should create a vocabulary for authors. Each term within that vocabulary will be an author's name. Because this module simply utilizes (and does not override or modify) Drupal's taxonomy system, you should configure this vocabulary to your liking prior to using Author Taxonomy. Here are some things you should do or consider when configuring your author vocabulary:

  • Assign the author vocabulary to all content types that will use it
  • Will you allow multiple authors per node? If so, you should enable Free Tagging or Multiple Select.
  • Will the author vocabulary will be required? That is, will each node of the assigned content types be required to list at least one author?

When you have configured your author vocabulary, you are ready to install and configure the Author Taxonomy module.

Using the Drupal 6.x version

  1. Install and enable the module
  2. Configure the module at Administer > Site Configuration > Author Taxonomy
  3. From the drop-down box, choose which vocabulary you configured (above) to contain author names
  4. If you want the author taxonomy to replace your theme's post information (author and timestamp), check "Replace post information provided by your theme." If you have any experience theming, however, you may want to leave this unchecked and add a line to your node.tpl.php file that will output it where you like: <?php print author_taxonomy_output($node); ?>.
  5. You can toggle the display of post information by content type on the themes settings page (Administer > Site building > Themes > Global settings).
  6. If you want to prevent author names from being listed in each node's list of terms, click "Remove author names from each node's list of terms."
  7. If you want the author terms to link to their taxonomy pages -- that is, a list of all nodes tagged with that author term -- check "Display authors' names as links to their taxonomy pages."
  8. If you want to include a timestamp, check "Display timestamp."
    • You can choose what kind of timestamp to display by selecting one of the options from the drop-down box titled "Date output type."
    • The option "Custom (below)" allows you to enter a date()-style format string. instead of simply choose one of Drupal's default formats.
    • To learn more about date() format strings, visit the PHP documentation page for the date() function.

Using the Drupal 5.x version

Note: New features will not be added to the 5.x version of this module.

  1. Install and enable the module
  2. Configure the module at Administer > Site Configuration > Author Taxonomy
  3. From the drop-down box, choose which vocabulary you configured (above) to contain author names
  4. If you want the author taxonomy to be added to the beginning of each node, check "Automatically add output to the beginning of the node." If you have any experience theming, however, you may want to leave this unchecked and add a line to your node.tpl.php file that will output it where you like: <?php print author_taxonomy_output($node); ?>.
  5. If you want the author terms to link to their taxonomy pages -- that is, a list of all nodes tagged with that author term -- check "Display authors' names as links to their taxonomy pages."
  6. If you want to include a timestamp, check "Display timestamp."
    • You can choose what kind of timestamp to display by selecting one of the options from the drop-down box titled "Date output type."
    • The option "Custom (below)" allows you to enter a date()-style format string. instead of simply choose one of Drupal's default formats.
    • To learn more about date() format strings, visit the PHP documentation page for the date() function.


Suitov’s picture

Is there any way to have it auto-select the user who's logged in, so they only have to change the settings if the node is co-authored?