# Summary

This module provide a solution to add Domain Access on any entity type

# Project URL


# Where is the code?

- https://github.com/skilld-labs/domain_block_content
- https://github.com/skilld-labs/domain_menu_access

# Estimated completion date

It works, needs tests & polishing.

# Dependencies

- Mostly ported https://www.drupal.org/project/domain #2575439: [domain] Domain Access

# Who's doing the port?

Andy Postnikov & Anton Ivanov / Skilld

# What help do they need?

(Are there specific types of resources (e.g. skillsets, $, sprints) that would be helpful to expedite porting?)
Unknown by creator of this issue.

# D8 roadmap

#2843173: Port to D8
- #2912122: Add block_content support
- #2912124: Integrate with domain_menu_access
- #2912125: Provide migration path from 7.x to 8.x

# Background and reference information

(Links to any other helpful information, documentation, etc.)
Unknown by creator of this issue.


andypost created an issue.