An additional contributed module, Services Log, provides extensive logging and an administrative interface to easily analyze logged activity: Find Services events by API endpoint, values sent or receive, or partial string match on the json/xml as raw text.

How to Use

Once the module is enabled, logging can be found by visiting Reports > Services Log. The fields there are pretty self-explanatory: The text fields partial-match on any value given, and the select lists provide specific values. The "SQL Where Clause" field, however, bears some explanation:

Use case 1

I am looking for troublesome characters in payload on the field journalEntry in json payload, so I want to find all payloads that actually include it ('like journalEntry ..') but are not empty ('not like journalEntry : ""'). Enter the following in the field:

sl.http_payload like '%journalEntry":"%' and sl.http_payload not like '%journalEntry":""%'

This string value is inserted verbatim into the db_select() "where" method. Take note of the difference between SQL apostrophes (') for quoting and the string quotes sought in the payload string (").