Hi, I litterally just upgraded all the modules and theme (Bootstrap) and now the site is loading really badly. Does anyone know a fix? Inside the themes folder I have 2 new folders oldversion-bootstrap and upgraded-bootstrap? It doesn't look like the css link is even on the pages?


VM’s picture

what method did you use to upgrade the theme?
which starterkit was used for the subtheme?
Is the subtheme enabled?
Has database cache been cleared?

dhanley75’s picture

Hi, I upgraded using Drush, so I believe this automatically updated the theme also (Bootstrap for Drupal).
We created our own starter kit.
The subtheme is enabled
The cache has been cleared.
I did notice that within the source code there is no head tag at all? No css links or javascript?

VM’s picture

you created your own starterkit? ok but which type? CDN etc?

Agreed the CSS and JS is missing. That was already determined.

Have you generated a new subtheme to test whether there is something significant that was changed in bootstrap core that has had an impact on previously generated subthemes?

note: you failed to mention from which version of bootstrap (library and theme) you've updated.

dhanley75’s picture

Hi, I just recreated a starter kit CDN. Now I an see some sort of resemblance although there were template files in the old starterkit that I will have to edit. But basically this seems to be the issue. It must have been a really old version of Bootstrap.

Thanks you for your help.