Hello everyone,
I'm using the module migrate source csv to import a csv file.
I took a look at the page https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/migrate-source-csv/using-the-migra... to understand how to use the module.
Here is my csv file:

id,title,body, field_image
1,title 1,some body text 1, image_from_the_web.jpg
2,title 2,some body text 2, image_from_the_web.jpg
3,title 3,some body text 3, image_from_the_web.jpg

And here is my configuration:

id: basuuid 
label: Import articles
  - ACME import

  plugin: csv
  # Full path to the file.
  path: '/mypath/to/file/acme_articles.csv'
  # Column delimiter. Comma (,) by default.
  delimiter: ','
  # Field enclosure. Double quotation marks (") by default.
  enclosure: '"'
  # The number of rows at the beginning which are not data.
  header_row_count: 1
    - id
  # Here we identify the columns of interest in the source file. 
  # Each numeric key is the 0-based index of the column. 
  # For each column, the key below is the field name assigned to 
  # the data on import, to be used in field mappings below. 
  # The value is a user-friendly string for display by the 
  # migration UI.
      id: 'Unique Id'
      title: 'Title'
      body: 'Post body'
     field_image: 'Image'
  title: title
  body: body
  field_image:  field_image
    plugin: default_value
    default_value: article

  plugin: entity:node

When I want to execute the command drush migrate-import basuuid, i get this error:

Call to a member function getFileUri() on a non-object in /drupal/core/modules/image/src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/ImageItem.php

I took a look on other topics if I could solve my problem but without success. Someone would have the solution?
Thank you


Alexis94’s picture

I have the feeling that it is necessary to create an other yml file specific to the images. I took a look on some tutorials but everything is different every time. I'm completely lost ..