Is there a way I can output the link of an entity reference aside from displaying the label. I have an entity reference field that links to a page node content type. I'm trying to figure out how I can output the link.

Here is the sample of the code I've just created. It shows the label of the entity but it does not come with link.

I tried using `entity.uri.value` or just `entity.uri` to output the url.

<a href="{{ url('entity.node.canonical', {'node':}) }}"> {{ list.entity.label }} </a>

                    {% if node.field_academic_experience_ref.entity.label != node.label %}
                        <div class="program-details">
                            <h3>Academic Experience</h3>

                                {% for list in node.field_academic_experience_ref %}
                                    <li>{{ list.entity.label }}</li> 
                                {% endfor %}

                            {{ node.field_program_details.value | raw }} 
                    {% endif %}