Ryan was confused about why he's allowed to apply a coupon at checkout review.
We didn't really have an opinion when we made it that way.

We have three options:
1) Always show the coupon element at Review
2) Never show the coupon element at Review
3) Make it configurable (== lazy way out. We'd still need to decide on a reasonable default)


bojanz created an issue.

rszrama’s picture

My main concern with showing the coupon code on the final page is whether or not I'd see an accurate order total before submitting my payment. (There may also be a slightly depressive affect on conversions if codes don't validate or something on the final step.)

If we make it configurable, I'd leave it off review by default. I'd leave it up to your judgment to estimate the effort to make it configurable, though. I also think it may need to be context dependent - e.g. this behavior may need to specifically target the sidebar placement.