This is the plan to migrate Commerce1, Ubercart 6, Ubercart 7, WooCommerce, Magento and Shopify to Drupal 8 commerce.

For stores wanting to upgrade from UC6 or UC7/Commerce 1.x, they might be willing to cut some corners to get to a supported D8 platform. If we migrate over product data, and not legacy orders, they could retain their legacy site in a mothball state. It isn't ideal, but it seems like an acceptable MVP in a few cases. Obviously, getting all of the order data is also important too.

And the sources allow one to install extra modules or extensions to build on the core capability of the products/orders/payments etc. For all sources, creating and fixing bugs on migrations of the core feature takes priority.

The migrations for Ubercart and Commerce sources are ready to marked stable, all the key migrations are there and working. Of course, there are still improvements to make and bugs to fix.

The next steps are to remove use of core deprecated code and bug fixes. The to remove commerce migrate deprecated code in preparation for opening a 3.x branch.

The CSV sources will remain experimental and serve as a starting point.

Metas for each source

  1. Commerce 1.x - #2873184: [Meta] Drupal Commerce 1
  2. Ubercart 6 - #2872836: [Meta] Ubercart 6
  3. Ubercart 7 - #2873182: [Meta] Ubercart 7
  4. Woocommerce - #2893000: [Meta] Woocommerce
  5. Magento - #2894434: [Meta] Magento
  6. Shopify - #2894436: [Meta] Shopify

For non Drupal sources the intention is to use CSV for the import. For that, the standard install of the other e-commerce platforms doesn't have a CSV export that will include all the fields needed. It may be necessary to purchase software that will include all the fields for products, orders, customers etc.


Commerce Migrate releases are planned for the 2nd Wednesday of the month, a week after Commerce releases.


quietone created an issue. See original summary.

quietone’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated IS with results of a discussion with @heddn.

heddn’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

I've moved Commerce 1.x up in priority. While officially it is supported, essentially it isn't supported. Most of the effort for commerce in D7 has moved onto 2.x.

I'm not sure about the priority for non-drupal sources. Seems fine the way it is.

quietone’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Completely agree with you @heddn. I just didn't write it very well at all. I hope I did better this time.

quietone’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Adding the results of a conversation with @heddn to the IS. @mglaman was to join but had a call with a client.

heddn’s picture

Related issues: +#2902681: Alpha 2 roadmap
quietone’s picture

heddn’s picture

heddn’s picture

What is the line in the sand for marking a Beta of this module? A functioning UC6 and Commerce 1.x upgrade? I think we have that, with some limitations. What are those limitations? That should become our next priority. Get out a beta or 2, then an RC or two, then stable. We can always be adding more features for other sources, like shopify, etc.

quietone’s picture

I've been thinking about these questions too.

What is the line in the sand for marking a Beta of this module?

For me it is having currency, store, product variation, product, order line items, order migrations and rollbacks working and with tests. There are tests for all the migrations, but not all the source plugins. Orders need to have both billing profile migrations and shipping migrations working. There are migrations for billing profile so that just leaves the shipping migrations, which are incomplete. That changes the question to "Is shipping migration, and therefore orders, needed before Beta?".

What are those limitations?

quietone’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
quietone’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
quietone’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
quietone’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
andypost’s picture

For 9.0 it needs separate issue to remove deprecated code usage

Faced with removing methods in #3111344: Remove deprecated code from migrate module

commerce_migrate$ git grep processFieldValues
modules/commerce/src/Plugin/migrate/field/commerce1/CommerceCustomerProfileReference.php:38:  public function processFieldValues(MigrationInterface $migration, $field_name, $data) {
modules/commerce/src/Plugin/migrate/field/commerce1/CommerceLineItemReference.php:36:  public function processFieldValues(MigrationInterface $migration, $field_name, $data) {
modules/commerce/src/Plugin/migrate/field/commerce1/CommercePrice.php:78:  public function processFieldValues(MigrationInterface $migration, $field_name, $data) {
modules/commerce/src/Plugin/migrate/field/commerce1/CommerceProductReference.php:26:  public function processFieldValues(MigrationInterface $migration, $field_name, $data) {
DamienMcKenna’s picture

Version: 8.x-2.x-dev » 3.2.x-dev