I am using the modules "Group", "Paragraphs" and "Block Field" to create Views blocks of group related content and use this blocks in Paragraph fields of my group type.

This works very fine until I am adding a context filter to my views block: Parent group -> Group ID from URL.

The context filter filters the content, this also works fine, but when the context filter (Group ID from URL or any other) is active in my views block then this views block is not available in Paragraphs anymore (cannot be found in Paragraps configuration of my field and of paragraph itself).

But I neet to filter the group content, I cannot display all nodes from all groups, the context filter is necessary. But then I cannot work with paragraphs anymore, because the block field is not available anymore in Paragraphs.

How can this be solved? Thank you.


drupalfan2 created an issue.

eahonet’s picture

In my setup, a user can be part of multiple groups, but only see one at a time. So I have a module that will let users set and change their "current group". That entity reference field is on the User entity. So I installed a module that allows me to access tokens in View Filters... and I just reference the Current User > Current Group field to narrow down the results. Then I place those blocks on the page either via normal block usage or via Display Suite. Maybe this is a path forward for you?