
Is it possible to add a sorting option when using it on views? I have 2 options already on my select, which are Title asc and Title desc. I want to add more. The tricky part is the value that i will sort will not come from the drupal database but from an api.

The situation is, i have nodes in drupal and then it is also connected to an api which handles some of the functions that will return values. I'm not saving the values since it changes everytime, it is historical and it might affect the site load.

Any suggestions on how to handle this?

Thank you very much!


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Views Admin UI ...

1. left column SORT CRITERIA section, for any sort field ...
- Check the box that says "expose this sort to visitors ..."
2. middle column PAGER section
- check the box to expose the number of items displayed per page by the view (great for long lists of records, includes an ALL feature)
3. right column EXPOSED FORM section, various options available
4. Many other criteria can be exposed.
- For example if you include content: type you can expose the content type selected to the site visitor.

- - There a nearly unlimited number of View criteria that can be exposed to visitor configuration.


Keep in mind that CSS detail styling (in your theme's custom.css/local.css file) helps to make the exposed filter selectors look the way you want.

spritefully yours
Technical assistance provided to the Drupal community on my own time ...
Thank yous appreciated ...

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Your post belongs in the "post installation" forum.
Please move it there.

spritefully yours
Technical assistance provided to the Drupal community on my own time ...
Thank yous appreciated ...