Hey there,

So I am using D7 and the entityforms module. By default, entityform submissions can be viewed via the URL entityform/. I have a path alias setup to point to /a/different/url/ to view the submission.

I need to add some form functionality to this page, so I wrote a module to remake this page completely in code, pulling in the values of the submission via entity_load_single(). I have the page working, however I am now trying to alter the menu so that the default menu tabs (View/Edit/Delete) that came with the original page now show up on this page and still work as before.

I am essentially replacing the default entityform view page with my own, which has a form on it. In doing so, I lost the ability to get to the View/Edit/Delete menu tabs, and am looking to re-add it to this new page.

My hook_menu() implementation looks like this:

$items['a/different/url/%'] = array(
    'title'           => t('View'),
    'type'            => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK,
    'page callback'   => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments'  => array('new_book_request_view_form',3),
    'access callback' => TRUE,

I am using hook_menu_alter like this:

function mdelio_book_request_update_menu_alter(&$items) {
  $items['entityform/%']['page callback'] = 'drupal_get_form';
  $items['entityform/%']['page arguments'] = array('new_book_request_view_form',1);

However I don't think that's correct. Could somebody point me in the right direction so that I can retain the default menu tabs, but so that the 'View' tab points to my new page, not the default one?

I appreciate it.


tajinder.minhas’s picture

Hi jfurnas,

Why dont you create links for view edit delete using page arguments in custom block and place this block instead of menu tabs block on your custom view page. I think it will be a simple solution. Creating menu tabs follow a pattern
x/y/1 - first tab
x/y/2 - second tab

Tajinder Singh Minhas
Software Engineer