I am trying to use group module after giving up on organic groups. I can see how you can group nodes, but is there a way to group users?


adriana.cacoveanu’s picture

Luckily (compared to Oganic Groups), the UI in Group is so much more intuitive. You have it all there, in the admin menu: Groups- Group types- Add group types... Add group... Add members. Here, maybe you'll find this blog post and this step-by-step tutorial useful enough: https://www.optasy.com/blog/group-module-setting-user-groups-now-easier-... https://www.ostraining.com/blog/drupal/group-module/

Utkarsh Harshit’s picture

You can group users as well. The Group module deals with groups of users and not groups of content. Group also allows you to create communities. Users of the site can become members of a Group.

vinayak nair’s picture

if you don't know how to use group module to group content and users consult this::

ramesh_singh’s picture

Tell me what are the problem while using organic group module.

vinayak nair’s picture

hi ramesh,
you first go and implement this module and post question regarding issues on that modules since, without implementing the module how can one know about its issue??

ramesh_singh’s picture

hello vinayak,
i implement organic group module then i say what are the problem while using this problem.
because there are so many circumstances and so many problem encountered using this module
don't take personally.

vinayak nair’s picture

hi ramesh,
i never take personally , i just asked you to mention atleast one issue on your next post and what are the circumstances you are talking about please mention it.
hope next time you post the right issue.

ramesh_singh’s picture

Hi vinayak,
don't mind but i think you don't know about the organic as well as group module and one think without knowing problem not a single person can not give the answer.

vinayak nair’s picture

hi ramesh,
it is not a mattter of fact of how much i know, the matter is that you still are not posting any error or issue related to the same module, you are just creating irrelevent post.
please provide the error you face.

ramesh_singh’s picture

Hi vinayak,
don't mind i give an error while using organic group module
problem are:-
1. OG Views error in views_query.inc
2. how to Enable users to create collaborative groups.
i think these two issue fullfill your requirement and next time don't ask about the issue related to the same module.

vinayak nair’s picture

its solution would be provided after some time.

ramesh_singh’s picture

i am waiting for your answer

mparker17’s picture


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