I would like to know if possible in ADMIN, without modifying the admin template, by means of some module or extension do the following:

I would need to be able to create the data entry form for content types by putting headers, separation lines between elements, etc., so that field management is better understood.

For example)


Header - Image
Header - Title
Header - Text

Featured - Title
Featured - Text
Contact Us


--- Image
--- Title
--- Text


Featured Articles
--- Title
--- Text
--- Image


sprite’s picture

If I understand your not too clear question correctly, you want to control the order of field presentation during node add editing.

Field presentation order during - node/add - is dependent on field display order, as defined in the "manage display" tab of the content type.


Also if you are going to Drupal, you need to learn to search the drupal module library on drupal.org to find useful module tools. There are literally thousands of modules, of which the top most important 1,000 modules are extremely useful and worth knowing well. So dig in, and study those top 1,000 modules and learn about all the many amazing things they can do.

spritefully yours
Technical assistance provided to the Drupal community on my own time ...
Thank yous appreciated ...

javichuteck’s picture

Thank you for the answer.

I do not mean to organize the order of the fields, that I know how it is done.

I mean to be able to put separation between fields, put them in several columns (and not one field under another)

Can put labels that group sets of fields, etc.

Currently a view of a data editing form can be chaotic if it has a large number of fields. And if you can organize them (in several columns, groups of fields, etc.), it would be easier to complete the form.

flamesquirrel’s picture

Have a look at the Field Group Module

javichuteck’s picture

This is just what I needed!

Many thanks