I have a view based on data from an external database table. I can make a field a link and pass a modified field value ( suid )in the url - for example


This will open node/2 with the field value. I have Colorbox/Colorbox node installed and if the view was based on a content type then I would get the option to open the link in a Colorbox pop-up. However this option doesn't appear as the view data is does not come from a node.

How can I open the link in a modal pop-up when the view data doesn't relate to a node ? Thanks.


hondaman900’s picture

Have you tried the Overlay Paths module?

peterk900’s picture

Thanks Hondaman900 - No, I've never heard of this module. But I'm giving it a try as it looks hopeful. Thanks for the suggestion and I'll post again when I've done some experiments.