Is there any module that can recieve user input in the form of search keyword and search in mysql database then display search result into a list? For example, like in Amazon or Ebay where users can input features of product as filters, and then display a list of products that can also be sorted by review score or price.

Or, apart from the module, is there any distributions that can do something like this?


batkor’s picture

vinayak nair’s picture

you can try the search database API or drupal's database api for content based search on database.

sprite’s picture

Drupal has built in general content search ...

You can also implement a variety of additional search types on the content of your Drupal website, in a variety of ways.

One way is to employ "exposed filters" with the Views module to search within the content on your Drupal website.

With Drupal, it would be very rare at the website building level to need to implement direct SQL queries, when there are numerous facilities that do such tasks indirectly, such as the powerful Views modules and the many Views plugin modules that enhance Views with additional features.

Your question however, is a little unclear because it seems like you may be asking about trying to search a SQL database other than the Drupal website's database, which would be a different question.

YOu can help yourself by learning search the website.

Use google to search into the website using syntax like the following:

{search query}

The syntax above will help you find articles and modules that implement the functionality you want.

There are tens of thousands of Drupal modules that implement every sort of feature and function one might imagine.

spritefully yours
Technical assistance provided to the Drupal community on my own time ...
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