• Oh Baby! Fitness (OBF) started from a small meeting at a dining room table in Atlanta and has eventually expanded into a national company. OBF offers the widest variety of Pregnancy and Mom & Baby Exercise classes in the USA. Moms can take yoga, toning, water aerobics, Pilates, etc. classes during pregnancy.
  • After they have their baby, they can return to all the same class types (plus Stroller Workout) where the baby is incorporated into the exercise routine. Classes are designed to take moms from pregnancy through birth, and then into the toddler years with their child. All OBF instructors are specially certified in prenatal and postnatal fitness, so classes are safe and fun.
Why Drupal was chosen: 
  • Thousands of women had taken Oh Baby! Fitness classes in and around Atlanta. The earlier, legacy website was solely a content based site, where users would look up information regarding all the services offered by OBF, and walk into their classes to register themselves. Looking at the positive responses, OBF decided to go national by launching its franchisee program. Now they needed a flexible platform to manage its increasing franchise owner base, and ever increasing customer base.
  • After analyzing the client’s needs and understanding their plans for a global growth in the future, Blisstering/Iksula redesigned and rebuilt their old PHP website and leveraged Drupal to create an ERP for OBF, and dashboards for individual franchise owners and fitness instructors. Complex business rules were implemented to manage the national franchise operations.
Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 
  • Oh Baby! Fitness is used by three different roles of users, viz. OBF National, Operational Licensees, and the end Customers. One of our main goals was to provide a seamless experience to all three users while keeping the look and feel of the website the same for everyone.
  • The OBF National user manages the entire business using our platform including Franchisee and Instructor payments. We implemented PayPal Adaptive payment in order to facilitate this. Use of Adaptive payment made sure that a certain percentage of the purchases made by the customers was credited to OBF National, thus automating this process. The earlier way to go about was that the Licensees would pay a part of their earning to OBF National. This was not a foolproof method and discrepancies in payments was a recurring issue. With the help of PayPal Adaptive payments, this problem was eliminated.
  • The Operational Licensees run their own business using the same platform. They can add Instructors working for them, locations and classes. Apart from that, they can also manage revenue with different reports provided. Licensees run their own business on their own and teach their own classes. They can add classes, location, and manager their own revenue using the same platform.
  • Customers have their own login and can look up new classes to join, manage all the classes subscribed to, and maintain their payment history.
  • OBF National can monitor everyone and all classes created. They can generate a number of reports like Revenue (Monthly/Yearly/By Customers), Royalty reports, Number of Customers, Payroll every month etc.

Technical specifications

Drupal version: 
Drupal 7.x
Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 
  • Commerce: Drupal Commerce along with Coupons, Discounts, Gift cards, Option Sets, and Pricing Attributes was the e-commerce solution provided to Oh! Baby Fitness. Commerce Discounts & Coupons API were used along with Drupal Form API to implement various business rules related to site wide discounts. Pricing Attributes & Option Sets were used to create various Date Wise Pricing options for Pregnancy, and Mom & Baby classes.
  • Views: The views module was to create various Entity Listings on Admin, Licensee & Operational Dashboards. Views wrapped with Views Data Export was used to generate various order and revenue reports.
  • Features: The Features module was used to deploy database configurations across instances.
  • Rules: The Rules module was used to capture and take action across various events related to order, discounts, login, product, etc.
  • Panels: The Panels module was used to create user profiles.
  • CTools: CTools APIs were leveraged to enhance End User Experience.
  • Token: Custom tokens were created to achieve dynamic emails which go out to users during various system events.
  • Entity API: Entity API's functions were leveraged as a wrapper over drupal entities to achieve various business goals throughout the project.
  • GMap: This module was used to show maps on classes pages. The integration of GMap with location module provides users with a clickable map for entering latitude and longitude.
  • Field Collections: Field collections were used to group similar data in various profiles.
  • Masquerade module was used to allow administrators login as students, by this method, various business rules were achieved where End users could request administrators to enroll classes on their behalf.
  • Pathauto: This module was used for automatic URL generation for users, classes, locations, etc.
  • Profile2: Licensee, Operational Licensee, Instructor, Student and Admin user profiles were created using the Profile2 module.
  • Google Analytics: This module was used for analytics, tracking user data and getting insights.
  • Redis: The Redis module was used as a database cache.
  • Omega (Theme): The User Interface for Oh! Baby Fitness is developed by a sub-theme built from Omega.
Organizations involved: 
Project team: 

Saumil Chedda (CTO)
Marta Olsen (Business Analyst)
Rupa Mistry (Project Manager)
Prateek Jain (Engineering Manager)
Swarad Mokal (Solution Architect)
Kunal Kursija (Team Lead/Drupal Developer)
Vivek Saurabh (Team Lead/Drupal Developer)
Jyoti Bohra (Drupal Developer)
Shruti Sheth (Front End Engineer)
Deepali Jangam (QA)
