We are getting this issue when we enabled this module . Sometime it is giving the error message

"The content on this page has either been modified by another user, or you have already submitted modifications using this form. As a result, your changes cannot be saved."


nareshbw created an issue.

NWOM’s picture

This appears to be a widespread issue as seen in the last 4 comments here: #1933120: Error when saving a Product display: The content on this page has either been modified by another user, or you have already.... On our site it is happening at least once daily as well, even when only one person edited the node. Any ideas on how to debug or solve this? Thanks.

BillSPreston’s picture

The cached version of the node has got a $node->changed value that might be lower than the value in the node table, so when the node validates, it thinks the node's been edited. I got round it with this code in a custom module:

function [Custom Module]_entitycache_node_load(&$entities) {
  $arg = arg();
  if (count($arg) == 3 && $arg[0] == 'node' && $arg[2] == 'edit') {
    $nid = $arg[1];
    if (isset($entities[$nid])) {
      $last_changed = node_last_changed($nid);
      $entity = $entities[$nid];
      $entity->changed = $last_changed;
      $entities[$nid] = $entity;