I've views block with id=block-views-block-services-block-1 which I used it in the menu link.

The menu link is now shown as https://demo59.com/gb/#block-views-block-services-block-1

As you can see it's really not looking nice with long hyphened words, is there any easy way to change it to something like this https://demo59.com/gb/#services

I read an answer for drupal7 where we need to edit the template.php and change the id. But in drupal 8 it seems that template.php are replaced with twig.html, I'm not very sure as I'm new to drupal.

Could anyone please explain few steps on how to do it.


dmegatool’s picture

Found something ? I need to change ids of blocks too. Views blocks and some customs blocks...

mezitlab’s picture

mezitlab’s picture